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Our new partnership with airtel


'The deal provides Airtel with the opportunity to utilise the Club’s merchandising, hospitality and content rights in five markets: Nigeria, Zambia, Ghana, Uganda and Rwanda.'

What kids over there are going to buy shirts and expensive arsenal merchandise whilst being chased by kony? FFS if they want to promote the club, at least go where all the wealth is

posted on 29/6/12

arsenal,ghana,england,(ghanaian gunner) (U8730)

If you want to point at someone being naive, then do that at the people who run the club who obviously show a lack of experience

Our biggest fan base outside the UK is in america, we should talk advantage of that and increase the level of interest of there where people have wide access to live football matches including the premier league. Its way too early to target africa where poverty is increasing

posted on 29/6/12

Airtel is also the largest mobile phone operator in India. It is a great partnership if it can be leveraged into something from Arsenal in India in future.

posted on 29/6/12

I know it's been like an hour since someone last commented, but I was in America in a pub which was notorious for Arsenal and United fans communing to watch the game when the 8-2. I'm not trying to say that Arsenal fans are better or get one over United, but the Arsenal fans were fantastic. Sang the whole way through, showed great support, and I spoke to a number who spent thousands coming over to England for the pure reason of watching an Arsenal match.

It really is untapped America.

posted on 29/6/12

Another stupid article by the OP.

posted on 29/6/12

Frimpong you are very ignorant, and thank God you don't run the club or a business! Please change your username to a non African name!

1. Money in football does not just come through shirt sales!

2. The 2nd richest black man is from Nigeria and is an Arsenal supporter. He actually earns more than our owner!

3. Nigeria’s young population is growing quickly and is expected to hit 258 million by 2050.

4. Nigeria has one of the fastest growing middle class group at the same pace as Brazil and India

5. It's predicted that an average real GDP per capita growth of 6.9% per year during the next 40 years will make Nigeria the world’s fifth-biggest economy.

6. Airtel has 45 million subscribers over the 5 countries you mentioned.

7. Nigeria has overtaken South Africa to become the continent’s largest mobile market with now close to 100 million subscribers, and yet market penetration stands at only around 60% in early 2012.

8. The deal with AIrtel involves Arsenal content been sent to their subscribers, let's do some calculations.

If Arsenal have a revenue share of apps or targeted contented to half their subscribers and they get on average £2 per subscriber per year, 40% are Arsenal fans, Arsenal could get around £16million per year!
As you can see the numbers are purely fictitious but getting money in football does not only stem from shirt sales!

For some reason Arsenal fan base is massive in Nigeria, if new subscribers sign on to Airtel because of the Arsenal brand and Arsenal get a revenue share of this, wouldn't this account to a lot of money.

Doing business requires creativity and innovation and business in Africa, especially Nigeria has so much potential!

Africa is not all poor, I have many friends over there that live better than me!

Thanks God our board as useless as they are can see this!

Please OP tell me the numbers of Arsenal fans in US and how money could be extracted?

So please get out of your western ignorant thinking and educate yourself!

posted on 29/6/12

If that airtel deal is to be profitable, then the african mobile market has a long way to go to ensure that. For every subscriber, there is a cost and if operating expenses outweigh the revenues, the service will get shutdown. This all depends on fan's loyalty which seems to be limited in africa

And you are right that the money won't come from shirt sales because fake replicas will get made and sold on to the mass market with governments turning a blind eye

posted on 30/6/12

If that airtel deal is to be profitable, then the african mobile market has a long way to go to ensure that.
How do you flipping know?

It's obvious you haven't got a clue about the deal so why comment, you haven't got a clue about the mobile market in Africa either!

Mobile networks are actually very advance in Africa as it was cheaper and easier to roll out mobile networks than land lines.

They are already doing video and content to mobile phones, I was working on a project 2-3 years ago about pushing content to mobile networks in Nigeria with BT!

Airtel probably already has the infrastructure but not the content so how would a service like that get shutdown?

Africa isn't some dust heap you know where people live in straw huts! There is money to be made there in the same way as the BRICS economies.

The US market is much smaller than the Nigerian market, let alone Africa.

Please do some research before you comment!

posted on 30/6/12

The OP has clearly not ventured out of his comfort zone much.
Africa is the next big thing whether you like it or not!
It's a shame your username is that of African players when its clear to all that you've very low regard of where they come from.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 30/6/12

There's a lot of potential in the African market, OP made a t!t of himself.

posted on 30/6/12

He's got a bit of form for making a t!t out of himself

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