I can't post on the Liverpool board, so I hope enough of their fans will see this here.
Yesterday, during the game at Anfield, some of the Man United, well we'll call them "fans" for want of a better word, took it upon themselves to loudly chant something very disrespectful towards the opposition. it was directly related to recent events, and should not have happened, so for this I say
I mean, to chant "Going down, going down, going down" was below the belt!!
ADDITION: WUMPTIES and abusers will be deleted
A heartfelt apology to LFC and it's fans.
posted on 24/9/12
Since when has always been a quantifiable word? It just means all the time it's not a plural of anything. Or does it mean something different to septics?
posted on 24/9/12
Is Jinky really gone?
Loving Liverpool in relegation, certain sections of that fanbase couldn't be more deserving.
posted on 24/9/12
" It just means all the time it's not a plural of anything."
Although I have no problem with that chant if the context is understood, I don't really get your point there. If its not plural, then the word always isn't needed, is it? I wouldn't say I always do something if I had only done it once, I could be factually correct but pretty stupid.
Semantics, I know.
posted on 24/9/12
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 24/9/12
If you'd only done one thing and continued to do that one thing then you'd always have done it. He's saying that always is plural and it's not it's a constant.
posted on 24/9/12
posted on 24/9/12
I think some of you are thinking a bit too much into it...
Have you never heard, Dave always spills his pint or Ryan always sleeps late or Andy always gets a kebab when he is out drinking.
Dave doesn't spill every single pint he has, Ryan doesn't always sleep late and Andy isn't always eating kebabs on nights out. It is a casual [or lazy if you prefer] use of language...
posted on 24/9/12
comment by Poolmyfinger - 15th of March in 1892 (U12438)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by Nan bread (U11386)
That's my point. The fact that Evra/Suarez happened gave you a reason to start chanting it. The chant is plural, referencing more than one circumstance to make you believe we are "always the victim."
I always thought this was plural because Suarez went on about being the victim and then did it again after he refused to shake Evra's hand. "he didn't extend his hand far enough, it's not fair wah wah wah".
I also thought it was plural because Liverpool fans have (according to some people...ahem ) always generally played the victim. E.g. refusing to support England because England has never done anything for Liverpool, etc.
I personally have never associated that chant with Hillsborough at all but I agree 100% that it was dumb and insensitive to chant it on this occasion (to say the least) and those idiots would have known that. Also, I read that it was chanted in response to a minority of Liverpool fans using their arms as makeshift wings which does strongly suggest a link unfortunately.
What disappoints me most is people on here using it as an excuse to spout petty hatred like "United fans this or Liverpool fans that". Both sets of fans should set the right example by agreeing that those mindless idiots are not true fans of either club. I.e. don't give the muppets the validation that they seek.
In all other respects, insults are fair game. Your mum smells!
posted on 24/9/12
There's more chance of United going down.. I said it
posted on 25/9/12
A few facts about the victims chant:
Going to OT regularly including United - Liverpool games in the Stretty, I never heard the "victims" chance once before the Suarez incident.
The phrase "it's never your fault" in anyones logic cannot be a reference to Hillsborough as LFC were completely vindicated of any wrong doing - ie the chant wouldn't make any sense if it were a reference what happened that day.
The chant came about as result of LFC as a club and a group of supporters failure to recognise any wrong doing by Luis Suarez despite multiple chances to -even after he was found guilty - I frequent a united forum which pokes fun at the RAWK site by posting some of the wild conpsiracy theories that LFC fans hold against the FA and SAF etc ie this Mentality is not a myth.
Was it insensitve - Yes
Did the united fans know that - Yes
Was it in reponse to a few mindless scousers doing fake wings- Seemingly by most reports
Was it wrong? Yes on that day it was
The media have jumped on the Victims chant, because it is incorrectly taken as a reference to the tragedy at Hillsborough.
It deeply disturbed me however, for our fans to be sing: "where's your famous Munich song?" also the "Murderers" chant which as far as I'm aware is a reference to Heysel.