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Just seen a WBA player blatantly swear in the Villa game, and it was picked up on the pitch side mics.

I wonder if the FA will be taking action.

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 30/9/12

Why would they?

posted on 30/9/12

I'm not going to name any names but Shane Long swore for no reason.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 30/9/12

The vast majority of players swear on pitch. Why would they take exception today?

posted on 30/9/12

So why was Rooney banned?

Swearing is swearing, and if it's picked up, each case should be treated equally. At least that's how it should be. The FA however, are a law unto their own.

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 30/9/12

Errrrm. No.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 30/9/12

comment by We_Are_All_Utd (U2259)
posted 9 minutes ago
So why was Rooney banned?

Because he did it straight down a camera. Unless the WBA player did the same then I don't see what you are getting at.

posted on 30/9/12

Blatant it was, otherwise just a normal thing...why go out of yer way to get booked...fault Rooney! But yet I see nothing really wrong in it...anyone could have done same thing under similar circumstances...much ado about nothing!

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 30/9/12

Punish swearing? Christ political correctness gone mad.

posted on 1/10/12

is the Villa player the star of the team and are Villa just about to play in a crucial semi final against Manchester City ? No ? well he won't be banned by Manchester City fanatic David Bernstein then will he.

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