Breaking news is that Aintree racecourse has connections with that horse meat farm in Todmorden,West Yarkshire. . . . .!!!!!!!
The doctors are always telling us to watch what we eat.
Uh oh !!!!!
posted on 15/2/13
B n Q are taking timber flooring off the shelves now !
Yes they,ve found traces of lamb-in-it.
posted on 15/2/13
I not so much bothered about the meat in the lasagne's but I must admit the white sauce does worry me
posted on 15/2/13
Findus lasagne contains horse yet Icelands does'nt ?
I think we need a stewards enquiry
posted on 15/2/13
Fosters lager is coming off the shelves now !
Found to be 100% horse p!ss
posted on 15/2/13
Im not gonna give up eating kebab and salad but they can shove the chilli-horse from now on
posted on 15/2/13
Clarence house say they have detected traces of horse D N A on Prince Charles's meat
posted on 20/2/13
I may not die from eating horse, but I nearly died laughing.
posted on 22/2/13
Thankyou Bruce 87
posted on 13/11/14
Oh dear it did not rotate lol x
posted on 17/1/22
Tonight you're mine completely, tonight you're mine, don't sleep me with me.