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Crysis 3

Who is getting this?

If its any better than Crysis 2 it will be a bonafide masterpiece. I'm looking forward to the lush, beautiful, overgrown with plants urban environments. Should make for a great post apocolyptic world. The game play itself cannot be questioned. They know how to make shooters.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 16/2/13

Just out of curiosity.....Everton and the Raiders? Where are you from??

posted on 16/2/13

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comment by Ali - (U1192)

posted on 16/2/13

comment by Toxteth Blueboy (U1320)
Nice PC
Mine is getting a little old now

i7 920
4 gb ram 1600 mhz
ati radeon 4890 HD

got it october 2009 ! need to upgrade soon to handle these new games

posted on 17/2/13

comment by Greg- (U1192)
posted 3 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by Toxteth Blueboy (U1320)
Nice PC
Mine is getting a little old now

i7 920
4 gb ram 1600 mhz
ati radeon 4890 HD

got it october 2009 ! need to upgrade soon to handle these new games


Just get a 7870-7950 and 4 more gb of ram and you`ll be golden

posted on 17/2/13

comment by Greg- (U1192)

4 gb ram 1600 mhz


You may want to sort your memory mismatch out also - this could be causing some performance issues. In this system you should have 6gb and not 4gb.

posted on 17/2/13

Depends on what version of Windows he is using (unless it's LINUX) as you can only use no more than 4GB on 32bit Windows (3.5GB to be exact)

comment by Ali - (U1192)

posted on 17/2/13

One of my ram slots is faulty on the motherboard so I'd probably need to buy a new one of those too!

why should it have 6gb anyway? Never knew about that

posted on 17/2/13

comment by Greg- (U1192)
posted 10 hours, 7 minutes ago
One of my ram slots is faulty on the motherboard so I'd probably need to buy a new one of those too!

why should it have 6gb anyway? Never knew about that


You have a CPU ( http://ark.intel.com/products/37147/Intel-Core-i7-920-Processor-(8M-Cache-2_66-GHz-4_80-GTs-Intel-QPI) check out memory) that use triple channel memory. This basically means that for memory to be at 100% you need it in 3s. You have other CPUs that use dual channel memory and you guessed it the kits come in pairs. There are also some that you quad channel memory (usually servers).

As you have seen the memory is running fine, but at dual configuration which is lower than what the CPU is expecting - check out this article that talks about using single, dual, triple and quad memory ( http://www.legitreviews.com/article/1779/3/ ) basically in gaming for the same amount of memory you are loosing 10-15% performance by not running in triple configuration

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 22/2/13

The reviews in aren't very promising. Too easy, dumb ai, no real depth or feeling to it.....

posted on 22/2/13

They always seem to dumb down games to try sell more

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