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Federer game nullified by Rafa

Federer defeat by Nadal proves his tennis strengths plays into Rafa strengths and his weaknesses plays into Rafas strengths.

Unfortunately Rafa suffers against Djokovic in hard courts because Rafa strengths play into his hands as well.
Rafa high bouncing spins on the ball does not affect Djokovic who also has no weakness on the backhand or forehand.

Luck also shined on Djokovic when he suddenly developed stamina to match Nadal.
I always believe you have to be blessed with stamina the same way like federer is blessed with his talents.
A 10000 metre runner ranked 1000 in the word for 5 years does not all of a sudden become No 1. I have not heard of it.
Djokovic has achieved it.
Murray trains as much as he want but he will not make it to that level of endurance because it is not in his make up. You must be born with it.

Federer looks like he is not trying sometimes but if he does not like high bouncing spins to his backhand and Nadal specialises in those shots, what can you do?

posted on 16/3/13

Despite this, Federer has a superior h2h against Nadal off clay... and Federer is now in his 30s. The reason he lost the other day was he was severely injured with his back. He had no prayer.

There are only 3 grass tournaments a year on tour.. and tons of clay. Is it any wonder Nadal has a superior h2h... and Fed's peak is now past. Nadal was not good enough to beat Federer where it counted 2004-7, and he will not beat Federer's arsenal of records.

Nadal is a baseline pusher who has been blessed with modern day slow court conditions.

posted on 16/3/13

Daniel, I take it you are on the WUM?

Everything you have written is total nonsense!

posted on 16/3/13

I always felt that Djoko's trouble was more related to his mental resilience rather than physical stamina. For me, his rise to the top was always going to be a question of him managing to overcome that issue, as he clearly had the tennis for it. I wouldn't underestimate the effect of the psyche on physical comdition.

As for Rafa beating Fed the other night, I was very surprised, didn't expect it to happen so soon after his return, but Fed being injured would explain a lot.

Dan, what are you on about? Indoor's the only chapter Fed's been clearly superior in. They're 6-6 on hard courts, with Nadal 6-2 on outdoor hard. What's grass got to do with it? Fed's got a 2-1 edge on grass, the first of those wins coming with Fed in his pomp vs a 19/20-year-old Rafa.
You also say Nadal was not good enough to beat Federer where it counted 2004-7, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Nadal was 18-21 years old in that period. Fed didn't win his first GS title until barely a month before turning 22.

posted on 19/3/13

Everything you have written is total nonsense!

Everything? Ok, so Nadal is gonna beat all Fed's records? There are tons of grass tournaments a year? And this had nothing to do with the H2H?


posted on 19/3/13

Federer is a superior player to Nadal. he also didn't get beat by rank 100s in slams in his prime.

Place Nadal in Borg's era and he would never have won Wimbledon. Ever.

posted on 19/3/13

Prove it.

posted on 19/3/13

love the fact that you main retort is about the number of grass courts in a season! That's the only thing you did get right

I thought itsonlyagame had pretty much explained why your post was null and void, didn't think you needed it repeated twice!

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