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nintendo's future ?

with the wii u looking like being a massive flop could nintendo go to game developer only like sega or could some one like microsoft take advantage and buy them out heard they were going to before they released the original xbox but changed trheir minds .

posted on 26/3/13

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posted on 26/3/13

I cant see that happening

The n64 wasnt much of a success and the gamecube flopped even worse than the wiiu i think as a company will survive.

You've got to consider that this is a company ingrained in japanese culture thats been operating for over 100 years. The amount of money they make from mario merchandise alone would keep them aflat

Nintendo shouldnt have targeted older gamers with this console which has kind of left them in no man's land not really knowing where there core market is.

A new Mario or Zelda game thats as good as Galaxy or Ocarina of Time will see console sales rise IMO

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 26/3/13

Honestly I keep fidgeting that the wiiu is even out.

There just simply isint a you must own this console because you must own this game, game on it.

the last two consoles that they have released have bombed, you think they would have learnt their lesson when they released the 3DS with a poor selection.

Yet they did it again with the wiiu.

And its not as rosy as it seems for them, they have posted losses for the first time recently and since out of their releases since the super Nintendo only the gba, DS, and Wii have actually done anything they cant keep that low hit rate up.

Something has to change for them and quick

posted on 26/3/13

Wii U hasn't set the world alight but doom mongering is premature.

Its a different situation to Sega in the 90's.
Sega made a multitude of mistakes. Poor marketing campaigns (too focused on bad-mouthing the opposition), unnecessary (and poor) add ons (Mega CD, 32X), botched Saturn release.
They lost support from software developers and most importantly, consumer confidence.
By the time they did get it right with the Dreamcast, the damage had already been done.

Nintendo aren't that bad yet.

posted on 26/3/13

It's not doing great, but it's not terrible. If they had any games that were actually decent on it it might sell more, but as it is who the hell would by it for that crap? Get some good games and the sales would have come, though it might be too late now. The Wii U isn't even selling well in Japan now.

posted on 27/3/13

Been thinking about the whole next gen and looking with almost all 3rd party stuff ninty will have very little or be out 3-6months after the PS4 and nextBox. Looking at the specs and so forth the PS4 and Xbox are now just specialized PCs and will need very little modification to work on each platform (PC, PS4, NextBox) honestly the only difference will be the exclusives, so much stuff wont even work on the Wii U it really is a last gen console rather than next. This basically means Zelda, Mario and Metroid need to be killer.

M$ seems to be another bunch now understanding that you need new IPs rather than continually using old ones - i have been with Xbox since the original but i will be getting the PS4 1st this time round as better exclusives - got tired of Halo and Gears a few years ago now - all the new exclusives on PS4 look amazing

posted on 28/3/13


that zombie game looks quality

posted on 28/3/13

The original Wii was a massive success. Think it outsold both the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

"The n64 wasnt much of a success and the gamecube flopped even worse than the wiiu i think as a company will survive. "

I'm sorry what? The N64 wasn't a success? Have you gone insane?

posted on 28/3/13

no dubbed in terms of console sales the n64 didnt do incredibly... only selling 10million more units than the gamecube and 70million less units than its weaker rival the playstation

posted on 6/4/13

Whoa. Can see why Nintendo went all mainstream these past few years.
Both the Gamecube and especially the N64 were out of this world.
A shame people couldn't see that.

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