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e3 2013 the most important one ever ?

the big three all need to have a amazing show.

sony ahead at the moment in the next gen wars be good to see what the ps4 looks like .

microsoft after a lot of criticism over xbox one can they silence the critics .

nintendo must have some stellar first party games for the struggling wii u

what are your predictions and hopes for the show ?

posted on 7/6/13

"Aye, they need to realise the biggest market in the gaming industry is teenagers"

Pretty sure the biggest market is 25-35 year olds.

posted on 7/6/13

The teenage market is just chucking out another rehashed version of call of duty

posted on 7/6/13

Microsoft have shot themselves in the foot.
They've really limited their console with the 24 hour internet connection thing.
Nor can one freely borrow games from a friend. In fact, you could just borrow it to one friend I think.

No one's getting that.

posted on 7/6/13

comment by *** Tony_Jeff *** (U8413)


I said teenagers - young adults (ie in their 20s), I doubt there's more people in their 30s who play game consoles than teenagers, maybe in terms of who buys the actual consoles, but it's more likely for their children / family or so.

posted on 7/6/13

No, apparently its people in their mid 20s-30s that are buying AND playing the most.

posted on 7/6/13

Nintendo aren't participating at E3 this year

posted on 8/6/13

Teenagers don't have as much money as the 18-25 year olds, it makes more sense if you want to make money to go for them instead. Something like 60% of gamers are over 18 as well so yeah.

There is a significant number of 30+ year olds as well, but they don't have the time nor the extra money too be worth game companies money, due to stuff like mortgages and families sucking all that up.

The only thing that can save Microsoft now is the exclusives. You get a few big name games to sign over and you'll have a huge influx of buyers. If either Sony or Microsoft could get GTA 5 to go exclusive, which obviously they wouldn't but if they could, it would be a massive blow for the rival.

Exciting times for the gaming industry

posted on 8/6/13

London Dave - absolute nonsense.

As a 31 year old I have both the time and disposable income to play. The 25-40 market is the biggest market. We grew up as gamers. Its part of our culture. Stop thinking its only this generation that gaming is for - its not.

posted on 9/6/13

Ivan I agree, the adult gaming generation is a roll on from the original gaming generation. Im 30 and gaming, is a past time I have each night or so when the kids are in bed and the missus is reading etc.

posted on 9/6/13

I have no idea why I even wrote that Ivan, I don't even agree with it. I'd blame it on me being tired, but it was obviously me just being a moron.

The average gamer is 30 and the average purchaser of games is 41 (in America, no idea about the UK). Seniors (65+) are more likely to play longer per week than 18-40 year olds. I literally cannot fathom why I wrote that, so sorry for that. It was just a stupid thing to write

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