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PS4 main selling points???

For instance, isit backwards compatible with ps3 games? Whats the retail price? Is internet once again free?

posted on 18/6/13

Simon West

I have always bought both, the last gen (3 v 360) was always about personal preference and I opted for the 360 first, but eventually went PS3 when the price came down. I have to say my preference was for the PS3 (mainly due to games out and what my mates played). Ps3 was more powerful in terms of spec but was also under utilised.

Anyone who says that either console was/is "infinitely better" is clearly a fan boy as there was/is nothing to choose except personal preference.

Also the lag issue on PSN was fixed ages ago (as was the issue with the original 360 sounding like a hoover on constantly in your living room), at least sony's issue didn't require you to buy a new console (which I did!!)

Using issues that were sorted ages ago, on either side of the argument, is ludicrous!

posted on 18/6/13

I have always and will always prefer the 360 to the ps4 but between the X1 and the PS4 I'm not sure, I'm leaning more towards the PS4. Having said that I might just forget both of them and stick with PC gaming.

posted on 18/6/13

if your internet goes down you can use your iphone/android to as a internet point to connect the xbox. It will use the same amount of data as checking facebook once

posted on 18/6/13

That sounds really convinient. Anyway, that's now my main issue, DRM is what I don't like, I buy quite a few games from CEX so...

posted on 18/6/13

it's 3rd party developers who charge not the console companies, it will be the same on ps4

posted on 18/6/13

The Xbox menu is a billion times better than the PS3 one

I've never understood that one.
Why do people have such trouble with the xmb? You want to watch a video, go to the bit that says 'video', its not complicated.
The only thing I've found thats better on xbox is that it sorts your demos from your full games.

And Digby, you're clutching at straws there.
After Sony made a viral video and made a big part of their presentation about how that was exactly what they won't be doing, they'd look pretty silly if they suddenly announced that was exactly what they were doing.

posted on 18/6/13

No it won't, PS4 haven't installed a way of enforcing DRM onto you, Xbox 1 has.

posted on 18/6/13

Blueboy - I base it on looks and functionality. You are correct the one on PS3 works.........but that is about it, its fugly as hell and looks out of place especially when you see the PS Store menu and such.

The Xbox menu works very well, looks very good, functions very well with both controller and kinect and in general feels this gen as it were.

posted on 19/6/13

from someone who only plays fifa XBOX 360 was so annoying with friends where you have to sign in as a guest and the whole sign on/live interface was a joke, It is also so time consuming to send messages and do anything whether as ps3 you press triangle and away you go.

posted on 19/6/13

That's why Xbox brought out smartglass, great app

And it's not straw clutching at all it's true

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