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Sim City 4 Deluxe

Decided to splash out a whole £9.99 on this game. Sadly I missed the Steam sale so could have got 70% off

However, Sim City 4 is a brilliant, addictive game. I've dived right into it and to be honest I had forgotten just how addictive this game is. The last few nights have flown by as I've built a few base cities and tried to get to grips with the game again having not played it for years.

The whole concept of the different cities interacting with each other is an additional challenge. In my 2nd city I found most of my sims were commuting into my 1st city via my beautiful rail and road links. However in time I've managed to build a thriving industry which has had great bus and rail links and a new, exciting subway route.

I'm getting worried though. It's getting near a time when I'll need to consider building a highway and I'm not sure I know what I'm doing with that. I really should have played some of the tutorials.

Anybody else play this fantastic game?

posted on 31/7/13

I've not played SimCity for at least 15 or so years. Might give it a try.

posted on 31/7/13

It really is great, but look into the modding community. It's still incredibly active all these years later over at http://www.simtropolis.com/ and all the others. They add so much too the game and fix some things that you might find annoying.

But yeah it's a fantastic game, would recommend it too anyone. Been playing it since it came out and it still sucks me in for hours on end.

posted on 11/8/13

Yep still have the Deluxe version on my PC it's a great game especially if you use some great Mods from the Sim Community via Simtropolis .But I just picked up the new Sim City the other day for 25quid on Ebay I know it gets slated alot due to it having to be online (but there is a way to play it offline too) & I like it so far)

posted on 11/8/13

Forgot to add that I hope you got the Deluxe version as it has more things you can do in the game (forgot exactly what the Deluxe extras are)

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