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Well Fellow Dons...

Looks like I'll be getting banned any day now for matters outwith my hands.

This really does come as salt in the wounds after yesterday's defeat. Funny how your world can turn sour in the space of a day isn't it?

I hope McInnes does the decent thing and steps down from his post. We really do deserve more as Aberdeen supporters. My recommendation to the board would be to go for Chris Houghton or someone of his ilk to steady the ship and get our season back on track.

There's really not much else to say. Good luck with all your endeavors and most importantly, Stand Free, wherever you may be.

posted on 18/8/13


Thats it im away to support hibs.

posted on 18/8/13

comment by Eugene Dadi Cool (U18261)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Bluetoonger (U5246)
posted 8 minutes ago
So why are you pretending to be an Aberdeen fan when you are a Celtic fan?


Thing is, I'm not at all. I do know the person who posted under the profile admin linked to, and he still posts under another name today.

I've said my farewells to my fellow Dons fans on our board, a ban probably heading my way any day now
He just posted that so I don't know what the script is.

posted on 18/8/13

Admin linked a nameless profile I couldn't be àrsed going further.

posted on 18/8/13

what is the point of multiple accounts? Theres only so much shiiite you can post on here.

posted on 18/8/13

'I' was U followed by loads of numbers, like U129847 or something.

posted on 18/8/13

Well Anthony Stokes AKA Celtic Bhoy I was expected to be shoved rather than leave of my own accord but I haven't been (yet)

posted on 18/8/13

Nice name change

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