I'll say up front that this question is posed off the back of me seeing one segment without any foreknowledge of the events before, so if it's already been answered by WWE i apologise.
I just finished watching the ending to SmackDown, a highly enjoyable segment (when those drawn out beatdowns are orchestrated by a guy with presence they're very engaging, Orton's always looked at his most powerful in these segments). It got me thinking just how well WWE have done to combine four seperate theoretical plot twists that have been buzzing around the rumour mill for awhile - HHH heel turn/Orton heel turn/both being allined with The Shield seperately - into one massive angle. This is all terrific, but something in that segment really irked me. Someone correct me if i'm getting my wires crossed, but didn't this 'iron clad' contract Big Show signed almost a year ago i believe it was protect him from any legal action undertaken by WWE management towards him, including termination?
Now by all means, while i'm certainly not defending WWE's utter laziness when they pull this stuff over and over again, it can at least be justified from their prospective when their lack of continuity enables them to progress a particuplar storyline because the history in question presents an obstacle, but this is a little different. When you consider within the context of this angle HHH is threatening any rebellious action with termination, something which Big Show should be immuine from, his presence in the angle with an allegiance to Bryan presents an extra dimension (his presence skirting the heel-face line would've given an even bigger one).
Answers please?
WWE's Lack of Historical Consistency
posted on 31/8/13
Agree 4-3-2-1 is our best formation
posted on 2/9/13
JHTMT- i think you may be right however the 'E is known to change its mind at the drop of a hat (the general manager being Hornswaggle?! Didnt vince's limo get blown up once then he just turned up a few months later?!)
Anyway its a good storyline and they are doing more right than wrong at the moment
posted on 2/9/13
Didnt vince's limo get blown up once then he just turned up a few months later
That was different circumstances, someone who never existed did something that never happened so he sort of had to end his death story
posted on 2/9/13
Been away but oh boy this is such a juicy angle for me with regards to the big show. His iron clad contract coupled with his mandatory heel slant pushes the creative stakes sky high.
Show is like Henry and Ryback in the sense that they work best as heels and only heels. Problem is the main players in the game are heels also! This should mean that we have no room subjectively for more people to hate/fear or does it?
After so long being force fed face after face, we have been re programmed to yearn for heels in our user for a complete narrative experience.
Well...now we have it, a heel in high places. .. Oh and has anyone noticed Cena has gone (not sure i bought that injury stuff u can feign swelling via saline injections) .
Black to big show, if he challenges the regime it will give us a heel vs heel situation and a believable one because show isn't a tweener or easily believable face IMO.
What do ppl think about the authenticity of the Hhh shield relationships .
posted on 2/9/13
big show is very much a face at the moment.
Also cena really is injured
posted on 2/9/13
and stay up to watch raw and comment on the live thread #selfpromotion
posted on 4/9/13
Cena is a grade A monnng