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Dhoni's Plan

Ok, we've discussed what Strauss should do but what about Dhoni and India?

They are two down with two to play so you would guess the plan will be to get us out a.s.a.p.

Either that or it's damage limitation and India head off to the Oval only two down.

So, does Dhoni attack or try and stop the flow of runs this morning?

posted on 12/8/11

If I was Dhoni I would hide in the toilet and refuse to come out until the match was finished.

posted on 12/8/11

I think Dhoni should attack and attack heavily this morning, he has to make the batsmen think and feel they are in a game. At the moment we are finding things easy, so attack and make the batsmen think, might even change a game plan or two.

posted on 12/8/11

I agree with Dolly - its really his only option - he is already in a runs irelevant situation - if he just lets eng declare is is handing them the initiative - he needs to treat each session as a new one and make Eng understand that they had better show some respect - then its backs to the wall and a rain dance Im afraid - I KNOW THAT FEELING

posted on 12/8/11

Well, 3 spots of rain and their off. So typical of test cricket these days.

Hell, when I played we would be out until it was no less than a downpour.


posted on 12/8/11

Raining now.

I agree about attacking but stopping the flow of runs does increase the chances of a draw and if he were to get that then they would go to the Oval with a bit more confidence. And if they were to win there, they would incredibly still be number one.

posted on 12/8/11

True - but that would be a reflection of hanging on against a far better team during 1 poor series which is an acheivment in its self - I think Im one of the only people that believe in the ranking systems

posted on 12/8/11

India's main target should be to try and break a finger on the bowling hands of Broad and Bresnan.

posted on 12/8/11

not sure they have that kind of speed or accuracy hope

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