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What does the future of Nintendo hold?

I have played video games for the last 30 years and a big stapple especially pre playstion was Nintendo. The SNES probally holds some of my fondest memories and multiplayer Golden Eye with sheets cellotaped to the TV was the emphasis of my childhood.

However, since the game cube Ninty has slowly been sliding into non importance (hand helds are not being included in this discussion) always just off to the side of mainstream. Always producing amazing games but hardwarewise been behind the curve for over 10 years.

The Wii U looks like it will miss sale targets by over 50% and with sales of the excellent Mario being overshadowed by games like Knack surely doesnt bode well for the Big N. I love Nintendo and their exclusives but for me i cant justify paying nearly £300 for exclusives every 18months and no 3rd party support........this could be for me the first Nintendo console i havent bought in over 20 years (well its at the bottom of my next gen shopping list).

So what does the future hold for Nintendo? For me i would love them to do a Sega. Dump the console (not the hand helds!). And make their games for everyone, and you know what imo they would make far more money than now and maybe be able to go after some of those records held by CoD and GTA V as i do believe the games are that good.

posted on 17/12/13

I think Nintendo will give it one last shot with the home console market next gen and if that flops I would hate for them to go down the Sega route.

The Wii-U is still relatively young and they will be plenty of good games coming out for it, just really slow in getting them out has been the problem.

Nintendo is still king of the handhelds with the 3DS, but for how much longer?

posted on 25/12/13

too many games for kids.. i never undrestood the love for nintendo games n64 on.. i played them and they are designed for kids.. i was not a kid when n64 came out, so I had no desire to get an n64.. i guess if they want to be a kiddy company then they can be and do well with it.. but me I want manly games, and sony/microsoft are what cater to me

posted on 8/7/14

The games aren't "made for kids" they are made to be friendly to kids, in the same way pixar films are not exclusively for kids. To say so is lazy at best.

Nintendo games are often overlooked because they look "cartoony" but people who do so miss out on some fantastic games.

The 64 and the wii were massive, the gamecube and the wii u are criminally underrated! Personally I prefer substance in my games over the graphics. And find a lot of xbox / ps games to be the same story/style recycled in to a new world. And if that's your posion than that's great.

A fine example is metroid prime on the wii, often overlooked due to the shinier halo, people that actually played through the game experienced an amazing exploration of an alien world with a rich backstory (provided you bothered using the scanner and reading the incredibly detailed codes entries). But like I said, a lot of people dismissed it graphically (despite being amazing at the time, and still looking good now!)

That's what you get in Nintendo games, it's storyline > graphics. And that's why they fall down. The average attention span drops with each generation, when games like "titanfall" (big robots and explosions with a poorly thought out story and gameplay) sell millions of copies.

Because it's shiny... And it has explosions... And all the best selling games of the last and this generation of xbox and ps consoles are fps.

Real games are dieing off those consoles which compete to have ever more realistic blood splatters. That's why Nintendo will always have its niche...

Wii u sales are rocketing with the two recent Mario releases and soon the 3rd party games start to flow. Personally I can't wait.

A couple of 3rd party games will fill the hardcore niche on the Nintendo, meanwhile other third parties and Nintendo themselves will produce "kiddy" (fun) games for the rest of us. Who actually like a decent story, and have an imagination to enjoy exploring "unrealistic" worlds. Like games used to be. Before ea started rinsing and repeating the same games every year, repackaged with a new name.

posted on 8/7/14

Metroid Prime, fantastic game and series

posted on 8/7/14

Great post.

posted on 8/7/14

I hate the "made for kids" line..

Games like zombiiu (while ridiculously named) is a great game on the wii u and full of incredible suspense filled, well thought out gameplay and clearly not for kids.

But I also don't want a console where I have to lock the kids out the living room to play! Games used to be a fun social thing to do, and that includes families, i used to love playing perfect dark and Mario kart with my dad (the only games he ever managed),

I don't want my kids experience of games as 13 year olds screaming obscenities over xbox live playing cod! Which is why games are considered anti social these days.

posted on 8/7/14

Ever tried Animal Crossing?

That looks like a 'made for kids' game, but it is addictive as once you get into it.

posted on 8/7/14

No I haven't, i have heard good things about it though, I try to stay away from games which are billed as addictive (like monkeyball too) because I have a habit of blocking all other things out to play!!

posted on 8/7/14

I like your euthasium username but the 3rd parties wont be coming back to the Wii U and even the 1st parties wont be enough. They will increase sales whenever a new good one comes out (donkey kong.............) but not enough or anywhere near ps4 or Xbone levels.

Also try not to be a hypocrit, you make a very good point regarding how good most Ninty 1st party games are, but then you try and use Titanfall as an example and then you yourself dismiss all the other great games avialble on other systems. Titanfall was never about storyline either so your point is deemed even more invalid.

It is a shame Nintendo has failed so badly in this way as through out the 80s and the 90s Nintedo were my favourite and i rate the SNES as the greatest console ever.

posted on 9/7/14

comment by Simon West (U1830)
posted 11 hours, 22 minutes ago
I like your euthasium username but the 3rd parties wont be coming back to the Wii U and even the 1st parties wont be enough. They will increase sales whenever a new good one comes out (donkey kong.............) but not enough or anywhere near ps4 or Xbone levels.

Also try not to be a hypocrit, you make a very good point regarding how good most Ninty 1st party games are, but then you try and use Titanfall as an example and then you yourself dismiss all the other great games avialble on other systems. Titanfall was never about storyline either so your point is deemed even more invalid.

It is a shame Nintendo has failed so badly in this way as through out the 80s and the 90s Nintedo were my favourite and i rate the SNES as the greatest console ever.
I get what your saying mate, but the point about titanfall stands.

It was one of the release games on xbox one and is one of its biggest sellers. And is a game that literally has no point! I haven't meant to dismiss the other games on the systems, but i still don't see many that can stand up to some of the Nintendo games.

Another one basically no one played was eternal darkness: sanitys requiem. Which is probably one of the best games of all times and many of its mechanics have been spawned tp subsequent games. Not exactly a child friendly game, but a great in depth story nonetheless.

We can compare it to many of the games on the current platforms (and just how many depthless first person shooters are there?!?) including the wii u, games aren't made like they used to be, because attention spans have dropped and most people like mindless action games. Another example is plants vs zombies. A classic line tower defense game.. Until ea bought popcap games.. How to make money out of the franchise? Turn it into a fps. Because that's what sells on those systems now!

The third party games are coming back to wii u by the way, and I don't mean final fantasy etc (and even they have seriously dumbed down in recent times). That won't happen unless they decide to port there too. But they haven't some exclusive projects in development. as I said in my previous posts projects were put on hold after a poor initial release. Now console sales have rocketed they are back on schedule.

Couple that with poor planning on Nintendos part (they dident release the Dev consoles until close to release) and you begin to see a picture of why third party games have been largely absent so far.

Nintendo do have themselves to blame for their current predicament, they haven't got their PR/Merchandising right for years. Had they successfully pushed the gamecube, it wouldn't have been labelled such a flop considering the fantastic games on it.

Then they were happy to allow the "casual" tag for the wii. Even though that was not the case at all!

Now they launch the wii with barely a whimper of advertising, to the point that most people just thought they handheld was an addon to the Wii. (it was very poorly named) one thing Nintendo does need to modernise is its advertising department. It's certainly not the games that need to change!

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