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Uniteds player of the season

As this awful season draws to a close, who would you have as your player of the season?

No one has stood out consistently throughout the campaign imo and many have had poor seasons.

Regardless, who would you put down as our best player this year?


Rooney - started off well(nothing spectacular despite the early season hype) but after a few injuries and whatnot has looked very poor in the latter stages.

RVP - has shown glimpses of last years form but has really been an on and off player with the return of his injuries, certainly not had near the same effect as he did last year.

Januzaj - this kid seemed like the real deal early on and had a few stormers but seemed to run out of steam pretty quickly. With a bit of guidance from senior players he could improve drastically - his main weakness is his rash decisions and eagerness to take everyone on. Praying he develops into a real team player, not another Nani.

Welbeck, Hernandez, Mata and Kagawa have looked OK when they've played but not played enough throughout the season nor have they been majorly influential.

Midfield - Fletch and Carrick have been mediocre to OK at best, decent against lower teams but poor against good teams. The less said about Fellaini the better.

Wingers - All been terrible.

Defenders - we've leaked goals all season and no one has stood out there either, didn't help that we weren't able to keep a consistent back 4 though. We really need to find our best defense and stick with it.

GK - can't really fault DDG, he has had an unsettled defense infront of him for most of the season but he's been relatively solid. Still has a lot of room for improvement but certainly shown he can be one of the worlds best keepers in time.

My pick would have to be DDG, although it's the pick of a bad bunch really and I believe he still has a long way to go to reach his potential, and needs a stronger defensive unit infront of him.

Who would yours be? (if anyone!)

posted on 22/4/14

comment by Benched (U7195)
posted 1 minute ago
You hear the same thing about Fergie as well but since 1995/96 only O'Shea, Evans, Rafael, Brown and Fletcher have been youth players who made it to Utd regulars.

With the money we spend on youth, the training, the amount we pay coaches the fact we must have some of the best coaches in the world.

I can't believe our youth return in terms of players who make it for us and even rarer getting a top player is so bad.

I apply that to all top clubs as well tbh.

posted on 22/4/14


The problem though for the big teams is the pressure they have in being able to blood many of these players into their first teams.

I'm sure there are plenty of players who were good enough but just weren't given a chance because of the huge standards these clubs set. I think Real are a good example. Players like Mata and Negredo are clearly good enough, just so hard to break through into a team like Real. Don't forget we had Pogba.

posted on 22/4/14

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 2 minutes ago

That may be so but Ferguson has still produced plenty of brilliant players. Giggs, Scholes, Beckham, Neville, Butt etc all count.

I question just how much input Fergie had in bringing through the class of 92. Seems to me he got lucky. Players like Scholes, Giggs and Beckham would have been top players wherever they came from.

comment by baz83 (U9225)

posted on 22/4/14

My player of the season pick would be Fellaini, because he looks the most like Bobo the clown.

posted on 22/4/14


I disagree, its pretty well documented that one of the first things Ferguson did when he joined United was to improve the youth set up. If it wasn't for Ferguson those 3 players could have easily ended up at Oldham, City and Spurs respectively and even then who knows how they would have developed. Ferguson was brilliant at guiding young players and being a father figure.

comment by House (U17162)

posted on 22/4/14

De Gea. Everyone else has been crap and that's all that needs to be said about them. I'll give slight exception to januzai seeing as it's his breakthrough season

posted on 22/4/14

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 47 minutes ago

No, did I say he should? 1 quality player (who was bought from us), 2 ok players and 1 unproven player over the space of 20 years is hardly anything to be that impressed with is it?
Sorry,I was just being sarcy

posted on 22/4/14

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 2 hours, 22 minutes ago
DDG for me. He is the only player who has shown any consistancy at all, all season long.

I can only think of one very bad mistake.
I said something similar about 2 weeks ago. Macca ridiculed it, you jumped in and started licking his backside. For you to write this now speaks volumes. Just Wow!

comment by VCG © (U13761)

posted on 22/4/14

De Gea for me which speaks volumes about awful we are now

Sure the lad is a top goalkeeper but what other supposedly top club has a goalkeeper as their best player.

Embarrassing in my view

posted on 23/4/14

Player of the year has been De Gea, no one else comes close

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