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Crysis 3

Finished the single player last night which I found very enjoyable. It's not to everyones tastes as the storyline is rather confusing but the graphics and gameplay are superb.
Also took a wee jont onto Multiplayer Online and was wondering if anybody from here has played it?

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 26/5/14

By now you will be playing against vets of the game and will find yourself dying consistently for about a months time before you get the hang of it.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 28/5/14

What's your verdict on the Multiplayer ?

I've played the Multiplayer on Crysis 2 but was disappointed.

Why can't they make the Multiplayer on these games as good as the COD games ? Is it really that difficult ?

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 28/5/14

Oh knock it off. Only 11 yr old boys like COD.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 29/5/14

comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 18 hours, 1 minute ago
Oh knock it off. Only 11 yr old boys like COD.

The COD games come with an 18 certificate so any 11 year olds who play it are breaking the law

posted on 29/5/14

comment by Superb (U6486)

The COD games come with an 18 certificate so any 11 year olds who play it are breaking the law

If only this were the case Superb we could clean up the servers and get rid of the high pitched whines

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 29/5/14

Or the ever present question online "What grade are you in?"

posted on 1/6/14

Didn't really do much of the online. Got killed 10 times in a row and turned it off. I haven't been back to it

posted on 27/6/14

I really liked the campaign for Crysis 2, will have to get 3 once it lowers in price.
There's this guy in town i know tha tplays the multiplayer all the time on the playstation.. 'imsohot' or something is his username.. he's ridiculously pro at it

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