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Article Rating 5 Stars

HUGE Steam Sale

There is a huge, quality sale of Stardock games on Steam for the weekend. 2 games which you should NOT pass on are

Galactic Civilizations II - A little older but an absolute classic. A 4x game in the mode of Sid Miers Civilization but (better)in space and with smarter AI and a hugely creative ship building shipyard. Seriously, you imagination is your only limit. $4.99

And Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion - A combination of 4x game and RTS. A gorgeous looking game that keeps you on your toes tactically. Think Supreme Commander but in space. And better $9.99

Stardock are quality game developer and are always giving their game full back long after the game has been released. From personal experience I cannot recommend these games any more. If any of you get Sins then let me know. Always looking for a game.

WARNING: You will lose large portions of the day to these games.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 5/6/14

On a side note, Magic the Gathering 2014 is available for pennies.

posted on 6/6/14

Always post these articles Chels, I'm forever missing out cause I forget to check. I'll do the same

posted on 6/6/14

GOG's got it weekly sale on including Arma 1 and 2 and a bunch of RPG's (my recommendation is steamworld dig, it's a simple mining game but is alright if you just want a chilled out few hours it's okay>

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 6/6/14

Supreme Commander was good.

However Total Annihilation was the bees knees and the dogs danglies.

Still rate it as probably one of the best RTS games ever made

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 6/6/14

I rate Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion as my number one RTS.

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