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John Guidetti is a Celtic player

confirmed he is a Celtic player

posted on 2/9/14

comment by Mick Dee -Stop talking politics and eat yer cereal. (U14135)
posted 1 minute ago
Can anyone forsee a Viduka scenario whereby Scepovic simply doesn't turn up at Parkhead?
dont say that

we already have Tonev , whos mum wont let him oot tae play

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 2/9/14

I think Berget being taken off on Sunday was an indication of him being a stop gap RnR

posted on 2/9/14

I reckon he could do a job through the middle, better than Stokes could. I wouldn't pay the £1.3m for him in January though.

Hope Deila is at the Scepovic presser and is asked about Guidetti

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 2/9/14

Be interesting to see what the big man says about doing more U turn's than Charlie Mulgrew on the ball

comment by Paddy (U5235)

posted on 2/9/14

I was actually looking forward to see Tonev play, hope his injury clears up soon!

posted on 2/9/14

In the teamsheet listed bove should mathews not be on the subs bench , he covers both left hand side slots , without him there is none

posted on 2/9/14

Funny isn't it? After feeling completely depressed on Sunday I'm now thinking that the next game can't come quick enough.

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 2/9/14


That's where the board need to be smarter, they want a feel good factor then simply listen to us a tiny wee bit and get our business done early

posted on 2/9/14

OOps should read right

posted on 2/9/14

See that young 18 year old Villa player that came on on sunday Socks rolled down to the ankle no givin a fook. Hull booting him up and down the park

Looks a character

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