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Less than 2% of Terrorist Attacks in EU

Ladies and gentlepeople's, my apologies for the non football related article but this was sent to me and I wanted to share with you good people. It just highlights how dangerous the media and "perceptions" can be. Before I get accused of being a terrorist sympathiser or supporter of ISIS. I like facts and facts will set you free;

Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated.

The murdering spree by two gunmen on the offices of a French satirical magazine have incited horror across the world. That’s completely justified. But what’s been lost in the mass outpourings of solidarity and condemnations of barbarity is the fact that so few of the terrorist attacks carried out in European Union countries are related to Islamist militancy. In fact, in the last five year, less than 2 percent of all terrorist attacks in the E.U. have been “religiously motivated."

In 2013, there were 152 terrorist attacks in the EU. Two of them were “religiously motivated." In 2012, there were 219 terrorist attacks in EU countries, six of them were “religiously motivated."

In 2011, not one of the 174 terrorist attacks in EU countries in 2011 were “affiliated or inspired" by terrorist organizations. 2010, 249 terrorist attacks, three of them were considered by Europol to be “Islamist." In 2009, of 294 terrorist attacks, only one was related to Islamist militancy – though Europol added the caveat, “Islamist terrorists still aim to cause mass casualties."

The vast majority of terrorist attacks in E.U. countries have for years been perpetrated by separatist organizations.

Of 152 terrorist attacks in 2013, 84 of were motivated by ethno-nationalist or separatist beliefs. That’s more than 55 percent. That’s down from 76 percent the year before. While the report notes this decline, it also states that a number of separatist groups are showing “greater sophistication, incremental learning and lethal intent."

Religious motivations makes up just a slightly larger portion of terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Islamist militants lag far behind other groups when it comes to carrying out terrorist attacks in the U.S. too. According to FBI data compiled by the Princeton University’s Loon Watch, Islamist extremists were responsible for just 6 percent of terrorist attacks between 1980 and 2005 — falling behind Latino groups, Extreme left-wing groups, and Jewish extremists.

Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, has called Muslim Americans “a minuscule threat to public safety."

In his most recent report tracking Islamist militancy in America, he included this startling figure. “The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period."

Despite the low frequency of Islamist militant attacks, fears around them are continually stokes by politicians, law enforcement officials, and even the media which tends to highlight religiously-motivated attacks over political or environmental ones.

“These incidents get much more attention because of the rhetoric of Islamist extremism that’s used," Ken Sofer, Associate Director for National Security and International Policy at Center for American Progress told ThinkProgress in a phone interview.

“People have a desire to explain [these incidents] as some sort of connected phenomenon," he says, “but what caused an individual to [commit acts of terrorism] is so different in each scenario."

Sofer adds that by conflating different incidents in different countries, the threat of Islamist violence seem larger than it is.

Those dear people are the facts so the question I have is this, why are you more scared of these people than the others who commit the vast majority of terrorism?

Why do you think we are continuously bombarded with this information which enforces stereotypes, racism, etc. Why? You even have Rupert Murdoch asking all muslims to be accountable for the acts of Jihadists. Since he is a Catholic, is he responsible for the paedophiles in the Catholic church.

The Far Right Wing is growing in Europe and is feeding off people's ignorance and fears perpetuated by the media and politicians and deep seated racism.

We must guard against this happening and not be used by people who have an agenda.

Link; http://thinkprogress.org/world/2015/01/08/3609796/islamist-terrorism-europe/

posted on 18/1/15

"yours is a very bizarre definition of terror. the idf does what the elected leaders of the un member state "

Terror = terror. If any targeted act that terrifies another person, whether it is state sponsored or otherwise = terrorism.

as for a UN member - shouldn't that UN member abide by the UN resolutions it is supposed to?

posted on 18/1/15

Jewish people feel afraid in Europe again,due to extremist muslim's Red,so feel free to address that fact.
Not only islamophobia exists.

They have every right to feel afraid again because of the acts of a mad man.
However they should also look to the good intentions and caring spirit that protected them in that same incident.

That caring person happened to be Muslim, which is a by the way thing, as any other person I would like to think would have done the same thing.

The galling thing is, that guardian angel was arrested for 12 hours accused of being a co-conspirator - because of how he looked and probably what his name is!

posted on 18/1/15

Jewish gangs used violence against the British,in order to further their aims,90 years ago,from their nationalist perspective in that time.

I think all nations,people and religions use violence when it suits them.

Islamist thugs are the main violent threat in the world today,threatening all non muslim's and many fellow muslims.

posted on 18/1/15

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posted on 18/1/15

Listen Red,do not go down the road of implying I think all muslims are bad,and we all know the police man murdered on the ground was a muslim,and the guy looking after folk in the shop was a muslim.

Fact remains that even today we see islamists kidnapping people in Africa and yazidids being dumped by IS.
Sad you have to go back so far to bring up jewish terrorism.
The idf may have used OTT force,but hanas are snide,evil murderers,and many states around Israel want all Jews dead and gone,so the idf need to be militant..............but with more restraint,imo.

This is not about muslim's or islam,but about extremist muslim's who distort islam.

Enough of the lazy posting.This is not a natzi you are talking to.

posted on 18/1/15

From Cameroon,to Niger,to Libya,Algeria,Iraq,Syria,Pakistan,France,UK.Canada,Oz,Belgium,Germany,,Denmark,Tunisia,Congo etc etc,islamist terror gangs are at their work,so it is not one mad man in France,Red.

posted on 18/1/15


I said you sounded a bit anti-Jewish,but I will take your word for it,that you are just anti-Israel,and I presume anti-Zionist,ok?

I trust you are anti-all groups and nations who are,and have been involved in land disputes,throughout history,or is it only the leftist agenda of focusing on Israel.
How is your anti-IS caliphate campaign going,or your anti-Taliban,anti-boko haram,and anti-wahabism campaign?

Justice and equality for all.

posted on 18/1/15

Jewish gangs used violence against the British,in order to further their aims,90 years ago,from their nationalist perspective in that time.

And it worked. They also imparted brutal campaigns at the time on the palestinan population - from which greater conflict grew.

Of course Britain and U.S. had to then deal with those perpetrators of those terrorism acts as they were then installed as head of state - Ben Gurion, Shamir et al.

It's not "sad" bringing that up, it was factual and was there to prove to Hippo that the number of terrorist acts perpetrated do not correlate with the number of people. End of.

Blue, if those things worked to further nationalist aims in the 40's, does that mean they gave in to terrorism?

Also... The sinking of the USS Liberty. What purpose did that serve? Was that state sponsored terrorism?

Hippo back to your point about a UN member state - should they be "forced" to abide by UN resolutions in order to resolve conflict - a lot of the tensions in the Middle East and some beyond have this issue playing a large part in their thinking.

posted on 18/1/15

I'd agree that state-sponsored terror has been almost a modus operandi for Israel for years. However, if we start counting that, surely we should also be counting every single attack perpetrated by Islamists in Syria, Irak, Lybia, Nigeria, Somali, Kenya, Chad, Mali, the Arabian peninsula, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Russia/Caucasus, China, Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines...

Don't see any point whatsoever in people arguing this point when they all agree that terrorism is the scourge it is.

posted on 19/1/15

Less Than 2 Percent Of Terrorist Attacks In The E.U. Are Religiously Motivated.

That was the topic title, the unrest in France has probably contributed to this rising.

I was gonna say I hope it wouldn't have too much of an effect on that 2% number, but then that would mean these 50-odd incidences would be an insignificant number!

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