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Sakho Offered New Contract

Tony Barrett ‏@TonyBarretTimes 7m7 minutes ago
Good news for Mamadou Sakho who's been offered a new long term contract by Liverpool despite currently being out of the team.

posted on 21/8/15




posted on 21/8/15

Garbutt has Englands best LB blocking his path to the first team......

Flip-Flop has Lovren...................

posted on 21/8/15

Our best CB...should be in the side before either of Lovren or Skrtel. Been treated unfairly by Brendan in my opinion. Very similar to what happend to Agger under Rodgers

posted on 21/8/15




posted on 21/8/15

What's a Garbutt?

posted on 21/8/15

Everton's 3rd choice left back who is out on loan but who Martinez gave a new long contract to this summer.

This makes Arouna's criticism of Rodgers even more stupid than his usual efforts, but he is too stupid to notice.

posted on 21/8/15

No one cares about Everton.

I doubt anyone has a better third choice CB in the league than Sakho really. Proven international footballer.

posted on 21/8/15

comment by Robbing_Hoody - Part of FSG's black flag operation (U6374)
posted 3 minutes ago
No one cares about Everton.

I doubt anyone has a better third choice CB in the league than Sakho really. Proven international footballer.

Kept out of the side by one of the worst CB's in the league?

posted on 21/8/15

Is he one of the worst or is he an international defender?

Look, I think it's great that you watch all our games but Lovren has the tools.

Terry looked mince under Anchelloti and the recent substitution was tactical for similar reasons. Is he a bad defender?

Lovren looked great with Wanyama and Schniederlin in front of him and looks better with Milner and Hendo in front of him.

Styles make players and we're keeping clean sheets as a club.

posted on 21/8/15

dint sakho miss a fair bit of training leading up to the stoke game because his partner gavce birth, i can understand lovren playing in that case, and he did nothing wrong in the stoke game so i can see why he stayed in the side

sakho will end up getting his place back at some point, but when he gets his inevitable injuries, would rather have a lovren that knows he can stay in the side if he stays mistake free coming in than one that knows it doesnt matter how he performs as he will just get dropped however he plays

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