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What the hell has happened to this series?

Season 1 was a bit slow in parts, but overall it was top notch IMO.

Now the last one I watched was the Shogun World and it was so poor I turned it off and haven't gone back since? It went a very intellectual show to cheap one liners!

I like the Shogun world, but it felt really forced into the show and way off topic!

Season 1 had some fantastic storytelling and had a lot of interesting things that made me think, now none of it makes any real sense the direction and cliffhangers are well OTT IMO and re-assures me why films are much better than TV series, at least with films they get to the point, even with the slower movies.

posted on 30/5/18

comment by (Kash) I'm the Mané, I'm the Mané - 6 Times Coming (U1108)
posted 8 minutes ago
The first season was boring. Stopped watching after 3-4 episodes. Kept seeing the same crap.
I almost gave up but it did get really good towards the end and now its just ridiculous

posted on 30/5/18

It's a really good idea but terribly executed imo. Gets very boring very quickly.

posted on 30/5/18

That's why it is a poor series. Bore you to death and then all of sudden it picks up.

posted on 30/5/18

comment by (Kash) I'm the Mané, I'm the Mané - 6 Times Coming (U1108)
posted 39 minutes ago
That's why it is a poor series. Bore you to death and then all of sudden it picks up.
I notice that with most series I've watched tbh, thats why I prefer films

posted on 30/5/18

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posted on 30/5/18

comment by #4zA - #savethedonkeys (U19575)
posted 48 minutes ago
comment by (Kash) I'm the Mané, I'm the Mané - 6 Times Coming (U1108)
posted 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
That's why it is a poor series. Bore you to death and then all of sudden it picks up.
like GoT
Exactly they are all the same

posted on 31/5/18

I think the problem with Westworld is one I anticipated while watching season 1.

Basically you have a problem in telling a story as soon as the robots start running amok because just how long can that happen for before they're contained ?

They should have gone another season or two before that happened because I'm not sure the story has too much more mileage in terms of storytelling.

And yes season 2 does seem a bit up it's own ass.

posted on 31/5/18

I absolutely LOVED season 1, brilliant, gripping, twists and turns, everything a tv show should have.

The problems with s2 is:

1, They feel the need to make s2, because s1 was successful so we'll keep milking this cash cow. Sod the first rule of showbiz "Always leave them wanting more" and make more money

2, Like a lot of shows where "1" applies, they then feel the need to make s2 different, so you lose a lot of what made s1 so great. One of the few series where this worked, for me, is Z Nation, every series has been different, with the same lose basic plot still lingering from s1. Yes it's absurd in so many places but it's meant to be.

I'm sure if it's the same writers as s1 then it will all tie up at the end.

posted on 31/5/18

comment by nWo. And you can't teach that! (U20092)
posted 2 hours, 37 minutes ago
I absolutely LOVED season 1, brilliant, gripping, twists and turns, everything a tv show should have.

The problems with s2 is:

1, They feel the need to make s2, because s1 was successful so we'll keep milking this cash cow. Sod the first rule of showbiz "Always leave them wanting more" and make more money

2, Like a lot of shows where "1" applies, they then feel the need to make s2 different, so you lose a lot of what made s1 so great. One of the few series where this worked, for me, is Z Nation, every series has been different, with the same lose basic plot still lingering from s1. Yes it's absurd in so many places but it's meant to be.

I'm sure if it's the same writers as s1 then it will all tie up at the end.
I agree!

Over 5 episodes of s2 I completely lost interest.. Do you reckon its worth me watching again?

posted on 16/6/18

just watch the movie - it's the best

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