From the BBC Sport Website:
Ex-Blues coach Andre Villas-Boas reportedly said he would secretly watch opposition train during his time at Stamford Bridge under Jose Mourinho.
"I certainly wasn't aware of it and I don't believe it at all," said Lampard.
"Certainly not in the form that it happened this time."
Bloody hypocrite!
Lampard Doesn't Believe it?
posted on 16/1/19
comment by Best Fans - Leeds are falling apart again (U2196)
posted 3 minutes ago
He was paid for that appearance as well, Rich.
As laughable as Ferdinand saying Newcastle fans should thank Ashely for getting them promoted. How these people can seriously have these opinions but also that companies are willing to pay for them, is beyond me. Such a poverty standard of debate on Sports channels
Oh you played football? It doesn't matter that you're a moron and can barely speak, here's a couple of grand to go on TV.
starting to think its purely down to who can trigger the most people now.
theres obviously an element of it , on the square ball pod they saying people like moose just stir things up so people ring in etc.
but it just feels like everyone is just doing it to get views on social media etc.
surely not all of them can be this thick.
posted on 16/1/19
How much I've enjoyed this isn't really anything to do with Derby other than thank Franks meltdown. It would be in their best interests to get over this and quickly.
It's more to do with all these ex pro's and pundits who have gone completely overboard with it. Its been glorious.
I really cant see how the EFL can do anymore than a small fine or a touchline ban.
posted on 16/1/19
Oh dear fat Frank what have you done
posted on 16/1/19
Palace were fined £25K in 2014 for spying on Cardiff.
I see no reason why the punishment would be any different to that.
The media obsession with Leeds has blown everything out of proportion.
Was it wrong? Well people in this country don't own up to it the way Bielsa did, it would appear listening to top top players it happens ALL the time.
posted on 16/1/19
On a slightly different topic, the club are looking at new casual training outfits for staff members:
posted on 16/1/19
laughed out loud mate
posted on 16/1/19
comment by AZA (U5000)
posted 21 minutes ago
Palace were fined £25K in 2014 for spying on Cardiff.
Was for acquiring a team sheet
posted on 16/1/19
I actually think acquiring a team sheet is worse and more deceitful that looking through a fence.
posted on 16/1/19
Bielsa owned up to it because they do it in South America and probably in many other countries, and it's no big deal to them. Difference is the English throw a fit when it's caught out over here, even though they know it does happen, and pretend to be ever so outraged. Especially when an Argentinian makes one of their darlings Lampard look like an amature at football. Maybe if England sent spies to Brazil, Argentina, Spain etc, and watched them, we would learn something and would make our players better over here,and have a chance at winning the world cup. We have druggies, alcoholics, wife beaters, adulterers, and gambling problem players over here with all their bad behaviour, and they don't seem to have an opinion on that. But suddenly they crawl out of the woodwork to sound so good. Hypocracy at it's best.
posted on 16/1/19
The onus is on Lampard to know exactly who is watching his training sessions,if he thinks it means that much
Clearly its something they don't teach managers in the FA coaching manual