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Article Rating 3.67 Stars

VAR Karma

Still singing about how great VAR is then Spurs?

posted on 25/8/19


comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 25/8/19

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson - Football Is D... (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
Hence why we have no refs at the World Cup. Awful

comment by (U18814)

posted on 25/8/19

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posted on 25/8/19

‘It’s a terrible decision because I disagree with it.’

posted on 25/8/19

Totally agree

posted on 25/8/19

I actually don't believe in Karma. I do believe that so far VAR hasn't done anything for fairness, and has done lots to drain the pleasure out of watching football, especially if you are actually at the match. I was in favour of it at the outset but I'm starting to hate it. Unless things pick up biggly over the season, I think everybody will come to hate it too. Though I see that FIFA (Gianni Infantino) in true FIFA feckwit fashion are speculating about extending it and doing away with linos altogether.

posted on 25/8/19

Thay may as well, get rid of a human referee at the same time.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 26/8/19

Thought it was a clear pen, as was the one on martial yesterday (which they didn't even check).

posted on 26/8/19

The martial one probably wasnt given because the foul looks outside the box. So var should tell the ref to give the fk. But they cant do that.

Clear and obv is so stupid its a way to protect refs. I have no idea why var didnt send cahill off. Obvious red.

posted on 14/11/23

Despite all the moaning and whining, there would be no football without refs.! The system of Ref - Var interface needs to be looked at and fine tuned. VAR, at times, seems to be refereeing, and frequently stopping, the game and I don't think that this was the original intent?

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