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FIFA 20 - Thoughts?

Gameplay has been slowed right down - makes it kind of boring.

Players feel sluggish on the ball because of the slowed down gameplay.

Players can no longer jump and head the ball properly.

First time passing is almost non existent and first time shooting is even worse.

FIFA 19 had the game speed at the perfect setting, they just needed to fix the other crap but for some reason they feel the need to slow the entire down game to pedestrian speeds.


The game feels more refined than FIFA 19 though. Shame it's so facking boring

posted on 14/1/20

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 6 minutes ago
Not played a FIFA since FIFA17. Regretted downloading it rather than buying the disc, as I would have traded it in within days of buying it.

Prior to that is was FIFA14. Think they are terrible games to be honest.
13-17 was good imo. But slowly jus kept getting worse

posted on 14/1/20

I still say 07 is probably the best.

posted on 14/1/20

Or 11 when they sorted out the ping pong passing from 10

posted on 15/1/20

I did get this years Fifa, frustrating as hell as the gameplay is so hit or miss and half the time it isn't about who's the better player, more what the game will actually let you do at any given time.

posted on 15/1/20

FIF's gameplay has rarely been more than a 7/10 for me.

How people can score the same goal each time is laughable, but thats how most people prefer their gameplay

posted on 15/1/20

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posted on 15/1/20

comment by Sideshow (U11809)
posted 10 minutes ago
Can't say I've enjoyed a FIFA game since FIFA 15. EA have gone to shet.
yeah agree.

posted on 15/1/20

It does feel like more of a chore than actually enjoying the game when doing FUT

posted on 15/1/20

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posted on 15/1/20

Although you can get better players now its still poor in relation to the general players available. So never have "the meta". Plus too much of a grind doing things you dont enjoy to get them in the first place.

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