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Modern Warfare

Hello friends,

Has anyone purchased this game yet? I’m still in two minds about it. I used to love COD as a kid, but haven’t played it since MW3 since it went completely downhill. I’m not even an avid gamer anymore, the only game I’m definitely getting in the near future will be TLOU2. However, it’s winter and I’m gonna be stuck inside a lot so want some entertainment.

Would like to know what people who have bought it think of it first before making a decision. Thanks.

posted on 19/11/19

Martial would you say that the campaign is good enough to make it worth buying if you're only really planning to play that?

Roughly how long did you get out of it?


posted on 19/11/19

I would not buy any COD game just for single player really juande

posted on 19/11/19

The main campaign of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is roughly six hours long

posted on 19/11/19

comment by NotSoMagicJuande (U1913)
posted 25 minutes ago
Martial would you say that the campaign is good enough to make it worth buying if you're only really planning to play that?

Roughly how long did you get out of it?

Not really no, I don’t get the hype over it. It’s also pretty short, if you banged it out you would finish it in 2 days.

If you’re into graphics and gameplay, then buy it because it’s great. COD will never be as good as the likes of MW2, world at war etc.

posted on 19/11/19

Tbf for a shooter style game if the graphics and gameplay are great like you say, then that'll do me. I don't expect them to be able to come up with an oscar worthy story especially if they're releasing a game a year.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 19/11/19

Don;'t understand people who play bots for days before playing online. It's a bit of fun, who gives a toss about your stats.

Still haven't done more than 3 or 4 levels on the campaign, playing against computers bores me tbh.

posted on 19/11/19

Do bots actually camp though in places other people might? and do they all crowd certain choke points on maps? If not then you'll still get hammered when you first play it for real surely?

posted on 19/11/19

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 10 minutes ago
Do bots actually camp though in places other people might? and do they all crowd certain choke points on maps? If not then you'll still get hammered when you first play it for real surely?
Nah the bots I play with actually go all out and muller the opposition bots, I’m the only one camping sometimes

posted on 19/11/19

comment by Martial FC (U11781)
posted 6 hours, 41 minutes ago
comment by NotSoMagicJuande (U1913)
posted 25 minutes ago
Martial would you say that the campaign is good enough to make it worth buying if you're only really planning to play that?

Roughly how long did you get out of it?

Not really no, I don’t get the hype over it. It’s also pretty short, if you banged it out you would finish it in 2 days.

If you’re into graphics and gameplay, then buy it because it’s great. COD will never be as good as the likes of MW2, world at war etc.


posted on 3/2/20

how are people getting on with this now? despite them repeatedly weakening my gun with updates I am pretty solid at this game now.
Finishing the odd game with 70/80 kills.
On some shorter games i'm ending with like 36 kills 4 deaths.

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