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henderson england poly

for a player that takes a lot of abuse from opposing fans he really has a very accomplished career.

posted on 15/1/20

Most clubs could do with him in their team , would make a big difference to utds midfield

posted on 15/1/20

If we do the double or even treble he's got be in the conversation as best ever Liverpool captain.

posted on 15/1/20

Henderson is like a good old wine. He gets better with age.

His spreading of the ball and crossing is one of the best in our team. His energy and leadership skills is also positive for our team.

posted on 15/1/20

Only took Klopp about 3 years to figure out that he's not a deep midfielder...to the detriment of Henderson...but he always cracked on with it because no-one else in the team could play that position before we signed Fabinho.

I don't think anyone ever complained about his professionalism.

posted on 15/1/20

He's been playing out of his skin there since Fabinho has been put and we've had some of our best form in years when he played there pre Fabinho no?

posted on 15/1/20

comment by Metro.⚽️ (U6770)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago

Arguably the most professional player in the league alongside Milner.

Based on what?

posted on 15/1/20

comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted 29 seconds ago
comment by Metro.⚽️ (U6770)
posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago

Arguably the most professional player in the league alongside Milner.

Based on what?
Being very polite with the refs

posted on 15/1/20

comment by Robbing Hoody - tell me I can't and I'll show you I can (U6374)
posted 6 hours, 18 minutes ago
Ahhh the old Herrera is better than Henderson threads

posted on 16/1/20

I think henderson is probably the most underrated player in the league. Fantastic professional.

posted on 19/2/20

Mont...im looking forward to your response on the other thread where you needlessly called me out

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