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Charges dismissed

hehehe in Mel we trust.

posted on 25/8/20

comment by lastapostleofvidal (U1491)
posted 3 hours, 3 minutes ago
EFL may appeal of course.....
Yes, it's their choice to appeal if they wish - but hopefully they'll just get back to the land of the living / the real world. Up yours Gibson et al...

posted on 25/8/20

comment by Let Me inRamdini (U21882)
posted 11 minutes ago

comment by Zigger Zagger (U6905)
posted 2 hours, 20 minutes ago
comment by lastapostleofvidal (U1491)
posted 28 minutes ago

EFL may appeal of course.....

Who to ?
Sorry Zigger. That is terrible grammar. Your mean - to whom? These things are important you know. You'll have Rev and Strett choking on their cornflakes

"Mistake" #3: Using who instead of whom.
Learning the difference between who and whom is tricky, and using the wrong pronoun is a common grammar mistake made by even the most well-read speakers. Whom is arguably on its way out; even though it is, in some sentences, the only grammatically correct word choice, people still avoid its usage because it sounds "too formal."

Bad EGGS love correcting people when they don't use whom. Sometimes, however, they overcorrect, advising the use of whom even when who is necessary. Remember the info above about using I and me depending on the role played by the speaker in the sentence? Well, whom should only be used when you are referring to the object of a sentence. It's not a way to make yourself sound fancier, people; it's a pronoun with a very specific use, and using it unnecessarily is arguably worse than not using it when it is required.

posted on 25/8/20

I only use whom when I precede it with to. Otherwise it just sounds pretentious but to who sounds strigine .

posted on 25/8/20


posted on 26/8/20

The full judgment has now been published. It is scathing of the behaviour and lack of professionalism of the lawyer employed by the EFL, name of Messenger. The EFL come out of it looking like an inept and incompetent organisation motivated by vindictiveness. Interesting is Mel Morris’ own statement to the tribunal in which he states he is seen as an “enemy of the EFL state”.

Today DCFC released another statement expressing regret that the EFL’s case against Derby has cost it hundreds of thousands of pounds which effectively is paid for by its member clubs. Derby say that those clubs that lobbied the EFL so strongly to pursue the charge (I.e. Middlesbrough and one or two others) ought to have a bit of a think about their actions. Sky reports that some other Championship clubs have complained to the EFL about wasting time and money on a ridiculous venture.

It also seems that we had a “soft embargo” in place LAST pre-season which maybe explains why we ended up with the loanees rather than some other players we were linked with at that time.

Interesting stuff. It seems Mel hates the EFL and vice versa and that both parties have allies in the Championship. Could be civil war ahead.

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 26/8/20

The EFL are an embarrassment to the game vidal.

The lawyers are always happy to cash the cheque of course, but ultimately the fault lies squarely at the EFL executive. I wouldn't pay them in washers.

posted on 27/8/20

In 2003 the great Michael Caine (yes him) stated :

"One of the great British diseases is envy. Every nation has its own disease. America is greed, France is chauvinism, and England is envy. The papers in England deal with envy. When they write, ‘Here comes the cockney lad leaving his 2 million home, getting into his 50 thousand pound Rolls Royce,’ they're telling readers, ‘You're working class, he's made it, and you haven't.’ They deal in envy all the time.”

Its easy to see a parallel here in the EFL. The quicker a breakaway Premier League 2 is formed the better IMO....

posted on 28/8/20

Since when was an actor an expert on national characteristics. Envy is a Tory construct, they envy others so project their feelings on the rest of the population. To comment on the unjust distribution of wealth to a Tory means that if you are poor you are envious and if you are rich you are a hypocrite. Basically they just don't want anyone to mention it.

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