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Sterling, 1st name on the team sheet.

I've not seen many articles about this guy recently but we need to acknowledge that he is a massive asset to our national team. He scares the chit out of defenders all game, and probably is the 1st name on the team sheet.
I've seen a lot of comments in the papers basically slating him for x amount of stupid reasons like 'tap in merchant, Pep dropped him etc, which makes me think wtf is wrong with some England fans, always wanting to bring our own players down?
Anyway, well done Raheem, keep it up!

posted on 30/6/21

comment by Robb Sancho (U22311)
posted 3 minutes ago
The manager wouldn’t have been wrong - logic-wise - to drop Sterling as his form was terrible going into the tournament. And I’m sure one of the other attacking players would have stepped up. But fair play to Sterling, he’s taken the faith shown in him and been excellent and is arguably the first name on the team sheet now.
I don't know about that, he's always performed for England for years now and not being picked for Man c for a few months, doesn't warranty his exclusion imo, it's harder to get in that team than Englands.

posted on 30/6/21

he really isnt the first name on the teamsheet.

yes he has been our best player so far, but as far as Gareth is concerned im pretty sure the first name on his teamsheet will be Kane, with Maguire who i thought was superb yesterday a close second

posted on 30/6/21

comment by plain old dunc (U11713)
posted 2 minutes ago
he really isnt the first name on the teamsheet.

yes he has been our best player so far, but as far as Gareth is concerned im pretty sure the first name on his teamsheet will be Kane, with Maguire who i thought was superb yesterday a close second
That's your opinion but i disagree..and we'll never know....it's probably Pickford tbh..

posted on 30/6/21

Sterling’s comparatively poor season for City is probably benefitting England now. He was left out quite a bit by Pep at times, so has probably come into the Euros relatively fresh … and with expectations of him maybe a bit reduced, especially after his mare in the CL Final.

posted on 30/6/21

Sterling’s been undroppable for England for years. It was daft that people actually wanted him to be dropped when he’s one of our best players.

posted on 30/6/21

Been bang average lately too...who knew

posted on 30/6/21

comment by Scott The King McTominay (U10026)
posted 25 minutes ago
Sterling’s been undroppable for England for years. It was daft that people actually wanted him to be dropped when he’s one of our best players.
tbf to darren he did call this before the tournament

posted on 30/6/21

Because you don’t drop your senior internationals, and most important players, for some bad form at club level.

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 1/7/21

Would love to see Mount back in team action...he is a happening maker... assists and scoring potential.

posted on 1/7/21

comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 1 minute ago
Would love to see Mount back in team action...he is a happening maker... assists and scoring potential.
Foden too

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