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Joe Hart

Just going on reports.

He's undergoing a medical in Glasgow today.
The 34 year old is meant to be getting a 3 year deal on £15k a week.

£1m transfer from Spurs.

Personally, his best days could be behind him so I fear the worst but hope for the best.

posted on 3/8/21

btw what position did Aribo play..? Was he a winger or an attacking mid..?

posted on 3/8/21

comment by JFK - The Rebel Treble (U8919)
posted 49 seconds ago
dno mate i made it up

we'll say aye.


posted on 3/8/21

accepted the first bid they got.


posted on 3/8/21

comment by JFK - The Rebel Treble (U8919)
posted 1 minute ago
dno mate i made it up

we'll say aye.
Is that you Keef..?

posted on 3/8/21

Charlton have a 130% sell on clause

posted on 3/8/21

i heard 200%

posted on 3/8/21

comment by Gingernuts (U2992)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by JFK - The Rebel Treble (U8919)
posted 8 minutes ago
3 miilion for Aribo

top star

Has that been accepted?

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 10/1/24

comment by JFK (U8919)
posted on 3/8/21
comment by Gersmid (U22273)
posted 11 minutes ago
A Manager who wants to play a high intensity pressing game building out from a sweeper keeper.

Signs a keeper who was ditched from a previous club because he can't play the role and a 30 year old injury plagued midfielder. Both just so happen to have been signing targets under the previous regime.

Sounds legit.

i know theres some wummery in here but bit of truth to it as well.

harts going to be asked to play a game that could just be lamb the slaughter for him.

Mccarthy has struggled to stay injury free so thankfully we have a terrific record of buying injury prone players and it all turning out fine...

have to be positive and hope for the best, but the frustrating thing about this is that they are 2 players we could easily have had 2 weeks ago.
At least you've still got them now

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 10/1/24

comment by JFK (U8919)
posted on 3/8/21
both good signings if you buy them for what they are good at.

i don't recall hart even being much of a sweeper keeper, and people need to remember thats what we are doing right now, its not just a shot stopper we need.

McCarthy, terrific signing IF he stays fit and how often do we hear that one.

Need to wait and see how hart adapts and mccarthys fitness, but on paper 2 very good signings.


That was worth it

posted on 13/1/24

Top-level arseholery that. The long long game.

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