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Covid - who's had it?

I tested positive for Covid 19 on Monday, 3 days after my ten year old caught it. Without wanting to count my chickens too soon, it hasn't affected me badly at all as yet. I don't have much of a cough and besides having occasionally felt a bit fatigued and achy, I'm generally feeling fine. I am single jabbed and was due for my second this coming Monday, so I do have a little bit of protection against it.

I was wondering who else on here might have caught it, what your experiences with it were like, how long you suffered for, etc. Was it worse at the start, or did it get worse as the days progressed? I certainly don't want to start thanking my lucky stars just yet, but just wondered how others have coped?

posted on 24/9/21

Got it last month, along with my household and my parents who all went to stay at a lake house for a few days. None of my household were vaccinated and it hit us all hard, aches and pains, nausea, fatigue, breathing difficulty and loss of taste and smell. Taste is back but smell still not 100%. My parents were double jabbed and no symptoms at all.

posted on 24/9/21

comment by HB Fash (U21935)
posted 1 minute ago
I had it, was like a series of mini illnesses over 7 days as the symptoms would change so often

Took nearly a month to get my taste back in the end that was the worst part. It really done my head in eating flavourless food.

My missus ended up in hospital for a week so really is luck of the draw.
The worst for me was when I tried to have a beer after a week. Ended up pouring it out and giving up as I couldn't taste it.

posted on 24/9/21

I had it over Christmas, was bad cold/flu for a couple of days and tired/fatigued for about a week...Didn't concern me too much.

It ripped through our house and my inlaws got it and ended up in hospital for a couple of days but luckily were ok.

My cousin who refused the jab (facking idiot) got it recently and has just come out of ICU after 3 and half weeks. Was 50/50 for a few days. He's only 39 as well.

posted on 24/9/21

comment by Dele Boy (U22000)
posted 44 minutes ago
I had it over Christmas, was bad cold/flu for a couple of days and tired/fatigued for about a week...Didn't concern me too much.

It ripped through our house and my inlaws got it and ended up in hospital for a couple of days but luckily were ok.

My cousin who refused the jab (facking idiot) got it recently and has just come out of ICU after 3 and half weeks. Was 50/50 for a few days. He's only 39 as well.
Should be charged for wasting the NHS's resources

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 24/9/21

I was so far ahead of the game that I contracted Covid-16.

posted on 24/9/21

comment by Beeb - Legacy Fan (U1841)
posted 1 minute ago
I was so far ahead of the game that I contracted Covid-16.
Ah yes - back when pandemics were pandemics

posted on 24/9/21

It's taken my tastebuds today. Damn.

posted on 24/9/21

comment by TheBlackCountry (U22512)
posted 7 hours, 51 minutes ago
My wife is a front line Health Care worker and tested daily. She first had it in December 2019, just a couple of months after the first cases were known. She had all the typical symptoms and was off work for a week, which is unheard of for her.

Since then she has been double vaxd, just had the third booster jab, and tested positive another 12 times now, without having any symptoms at all.

I have never tested positive or had any symptoms whatsoever, had both vaccinations as I think morally it’s the right thing to do even if your immune system in A1 like mine obviously is.

By next Spring, COVID-19 will be like the common cold insofar as how the virus effects the general population. That would have happened anyway, with or without vaccines.

All cause mortality has been down around 7% over the last few months, so all that happened is that we pulled forward some deaths that would have happened anyway over the following 12 month period.
You're assuming an awful lot here....

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 24/9/21

Had it in February 3 days before I was due my first jab, suffered pretty much like most here, first couple of days I didn't feel too bad, then other symptoms kicked in. I felt more miserable than bad I would say. Took a while to get appetite and taste back, also strength.

posted on 24/9/21

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 5 hours, 55 minutes ago
comment by TheBlackCountry (U22512)
posted 7 hours, 51 minutes ago
My wife is a front line Health Care worker and tested daily. She first had it in December 2019, just a couple of months after the first cases were known. She had all the typical symptoms and was off work for a week, which is unheard of for her.

Since then she has been double vaxd, just had the third booster jab, and tested positive another 12 times now, without having any symptoms at all.

I have never tested positive or had any symptoms whatsoever, had both vaccinations as I think morally it’s the right thing to do even if your immune system in A1 like mine obviously is.

By next Spring, COVID-19 will be like the common cold insofar as how the virus effects the general population. That would have happened anyway, with or without vaccines.

All cause mortality has been down around 7% over the last few months, so all that happened is that we pulled forward some deaths that would have happened anyway over the following 12 month period.
You're assuming an awful lot here....
That's a nice way of putting it. 'You're full of crap' is the correct way.

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