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Thought this might interest a few of you...

Reading the gossip column on bbc and came across this


Neymar, although rejecting a move to the bridge a few months back is hoping for renew our interest in him as he would love to move to england.

“I was very happy about Chelsea’s interest because it is a club which every player would like to play for, but at that moment the right decision was to stay at Santos," Neymar said. “To play in Europe is my dream. I was very proud of Chelsea’s interest and I hope to keep playing well so that this proposal can happen again"

Not really sure what to make of this tbh, this guy seems to change his mind every month.

However if its true, our future would appear to looking rather bright.

Your thoughts

posted on 19/5/11

blows hot and cold.

one minute he wants to come to us the next barca or madrid, good prospect but could be another Robinho (happy to just pick up a huge salary) or Ronaldo (always wanted to play for X Y or Z).

Depends on how much we would cost but thats not really our problem, FFP rules aside.

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