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Kyogo Furuhashi

Sounds like Ange will try and bring Furuhashi with him (Reported in multiple press outlets this am). Obviousl;y pure spec but I guess it would be a logical move. Not seen much of him, know he's scored a lot of goals & I know the SPL aint great.

Anyone watched much of him ? regardless of the number of goals, does he look good enough the play in the PL ? If he's anything like that Japanese lad at Brighton..... Yes please.. Id have him over Richie & Kulu all day

posted on 5/6/23

comment by WorkPermitPending (U1067)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by LukaBrasi COYS (U22178)
posted 6 minutes ago
Surely Ange can find a place in the team for one of the best strikers in the world?
You’d have to be a pretty shiiiit manager if you couldn’t.
To clarify, it's not that he couldn't fit Kane into a system, it's that he'd probably choose not to. He's a man who sticks to his guns, rightly or wrongly. If he wants to use the same system at Spurs as he did at Celtic, Kane isn't that type of player.

Oh yeah, and I hope you guys have good physios because you don't get a team playing Angeball without popping a few hamstrings.
We have world class physios who are also a bunch of 🤡🤡🤡

posted on 5/6/23

Tbf to Kane he isn't exactly a stand still merchant like Ronaldo or Zlatan. He is hard working as anyone, so if Ange wants the team to press he will fall in line. If he is still around of course.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 5/6/23

It all depends if Kane wants to give it a go. If his heart isn't in it Ange will ship him out dispassionately but nicely all the same. He's a man manager, very persuasive but will assess what he hears in the head to head. As captain he will be given respect but has to be all in or out no inbetweens.

posted on 5/6/23

What is the point of delaying the inevitable with Kane and forcing him on Ange. Might as well get rid, spend the year playing without Kane and using extra funds on transfers. Keeping Kane does absolutely nothing but save Levy's embarrassment.

posted on 5/6/23

Kyogo would be a relatively poor signing.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 5/6/23

comment by Boss By Hugo (U18550)
posted 2 minutes ago
What is the point of delaying the inevitable with Kane and forcing him on Ange. Might as well get rid, spend the year playing without Kane and using extra funds on transfers. Keeping Kane does absolutely nothing but save Levy's embarrassment.
Now we have a manager in place, it really should come down to what he and Kane want to do. So many big ins and outs at the club to decide I can already envisage Levy interfering and undermining the manager's control just as soon as he's come in.

posted on 5/6/23

Kane needs to commit to Ange and the club now (This summer) or we make him available to highest bidder. Keeping kane in the hope we might win a League Cup and hoping he signs a new contract next summer would be beyond reckless for the club

Levy has kicked the can down the road with Kane for as long as possible while making disastrous football decisions. Its time to commit to each other properly now or go our separate ways

posted on 5/6/23

It’s a shame Toney has a ban, would be the perfect replacement for Kane and would suit Ange’s tactics

posted on 5/6/23

Postecoglu is a bit of a gamble but an interesting choice. Given the alternatives I think it’s a good appointment. Big step up for him. Same would be true for Kyogo Furuhashi. Assuming Hazza goes - and I don’t think he will, I’d be looking for a more established option as well. But what about Son? Can he find form and consistency again or is he over the hill?

posted on 6/6/23

comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 5 hours, 13 minutes ago
To clarify, it's not that he couldn't fit Kane into a system, it's that he'd probably choose not to.
That’s even worse.
Why does anyone care about conforming to a player that needs and wants out. He’s got 12 months and you’re not challenging for top 4 with or without him next season, may as well sell and build a cohesive team.

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