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Article Rating 1.8 Stars

Rice > Bellingham

Not many will agree with me, I accept that, but I would not swap Jude for Declan.

Rice is the player we've needed for so long now. Doesn't do any fancy stuff in the final third, just an absolute unit in the first two! Could see yesterday his confidence is just growing and growing and is starting to dictate play, pass long and short and demand the ball a lot more.

I think he's better without Partey in his way as well.

Bargain at double the price.

Shoutout to Vieira as well, has come on a long way since last season.

posted on 18/9/23

You would throw Rice in the trash if you could get Bellingham and then build your team around him very easily.

posted on 18/9/23

comment by Chris H (U15205)
posted 4 hours, 51 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
I think when given time and space he looks quality on the ball. Under the press he keeps the ball well but that is where his slight technical deficiencies show, he is safe, not so gifted as to be able to continue to pick incisive passes under pressure.

Just my observations from England and a bit of Arsenal. But he also has been brainwashed a bit by Safegate and Moyes so is still developing his ability and putting the ball at risk instead of safely back and sideways.

Bissouma will show him how its done next week

Already buzzing/nervous for it tbh. What a massive game it is, very thankful we are at home.
Same, I think sadly for us I think you will win this one.

It's going to be a tough game though

posted on 18/9/23

Apples and oranges. Bellingham is once in a gen type of player and in all honesty we’ve had a couple over the years like that but what we’ve always missed since Paddy Vieira leaving is proper hard man to do the defensive job in midfield. Rice is that guy. There’s a reason why DM are going for 100mill+ whilst the more creative partners for half the price. Everyone wants a DM.
He really reminds me of Roy Keane. No nonsense, recycles the ball so well and rallies the troops.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 18/9/23

Rice isn't better than Bellingham. But he doesn't need to be for him to be the better signing for Arsenal.

Rice is an excellent player, no doubt about it. Bellingham is a future ballon d'or winner.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 18/9/23

They're different players.

Bellingham is better in the final third, rice is better at pretty much everything else. Depends what your team needs.

posted on 19/9/23

Bellingham looks like he could become the greatest English player ever tbh

posted on 19/9/23

“I think he's better without Partey in his way as well.”

That’s ridiculous, Partey’s problem is his fitness, but when he is fit & not overplayed he is superb. Against the top teams they should definitely both start when both are available.

posted on 19/9/23

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 22 hours, 2 minutes ago
They're different players.

Bellingham is better in the final third, rice is better at pretty much everything else. Depends what your team needs.
This, might as well compare Rice to Mbappe as that is equally as dumb

posted on 19/9/23

Yeah, it’s crazy comparing two midfielders to each other.

posted on 20/9/23

comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 16 hours, 25 minutes ago
Yeah, it’s crazy comparing two midfielders to each other.

It's crazy comparing a defensive cm to an attacking midfielder? They are 2 completely different types of player. A better comparison would be Rice and Caceido or Bellingham and Havertz

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