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Ponting's pull shot!

I dont know whether I am the only one who feels that Young Indian lad Virat Kohli is the player who can play the pull shot in Ponting's action.
Ponting's Pull shot is the best cricket shot for me from any cricketer ( and he is widely acknowledged as the best hooker)
But these days watching Virat kohli makes me feel that Kohli's batting action is lot closer to Ponting's especially the way he plays the pull shot,actually Kohli might sometimes be mistaken for Ponting while playing that Pull shot.
Okay, Virat doesnt play as aesthetically as Ponting but I think Kohli is the closest resemblance.

posted on 31/1/12

Also, the reason virat was successful in the series downunder is his efficiency in pull shot(which generally Indian batsmen are poor at).

posted on 31/1/12

Common one good innings after numerous bad ones and he's now the next Ponting?

posted on 31/1/12

No, I had noticed the resemblance even before this series.
And I am being specific on his pull shot.
Not 100% resemblance but atleast 80% resemblace is there, i think.

posted on 31/1/12

BTW, i am yet to see another batsman who can cut the fast bowler from the front foot like Ponting does.

posted on 31/1/12


posted on 31/1/12

KP is also a very strong front foot player like Ricky(although ricky is equally good backfoot player)
And I think KP's pull shot resemblance Ponting's about 60%.But KP's pull shot is more like Kallis'.
And also KP is quite tall compared to Ponting and Kohli(who have around similar physical attributes)

posted on 31/1/12

Am sure I have seen Amla cut from the front foot many times.

posted on 31/1/12

No comparison to Ponting's pull shot and Lara's flick towards square leg region

posted on 31/1/12

A man could have a good night on the turps if he had one glass for every time Ponting got caught attempting the pull shot

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