After nick diaz's loss at ufc 143 and his controversial post fight speech it seems he has now been tested positive for marijuana by the Nevada Athletic Commission.
Thoughts and reaction??
Nick Diaz fails Drug test!!??
posted on 10/2/12
posted on 10/2/12
He just seems like what of them people who just constantly makes bad decisions.
In another talking point - should they need to test for marajuana? Its hardly a performance enhancing drug so although illegal it gives him no advantage over his opponent making it irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
posted on 10/2/12
*one of them people
posted on 10/2/12
Agree with Enrique's points
posted on 10/2/12
Could be said that marijuana could be used to calm his nerves before a big fight. Therefore ensuring he doesn't have an adrenaline dump after the first 2-3 minutes giving him an unfair advantage
posted on 11/2/12
They dont test for alcohol even tho its a much worse drug
no relevance whatsoever
posted on 11/2/12
Comment Deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 11/2/12
and what advantage could he get from marijuana??
its a joke, shouldnt be on the list and only is because some fools say its illegal
have never heard of a man lose the plot and beat the shiet out of his wife or someone in the pub cos they've had a harmless smoke
posted on 11/2/12
Very good piece on this subject, which sums it up in my opinion:-
"Here's a highly unpopular opinion.
I don't really care if Nick Diaz smoked a joint in the days before he stepped into the cage at UFC 143.
To be honest, I don't really care if he was doing rails off a hooker's ass in his hotel room during fight week.
As long as whatever he did in the privacy of his own lifestyle didn't give him an unfair advantage -- or unsafe disadvantage -- on fight night, it's really nobody's business.
The Nevada State Athletic Commission came back with test results for Diaz's fight with Carlos Condit that found the 28-year-old had marijuana metabolites in his blood -- hardly a performance-enhancing drug.
This is the second time the NSAC has found traces of pot in post-fight testing of Diaz.
The first was back in 2007, when he defeated Takanori Gomi with a rare gogoplata, only to have the victory scratched due to the drug test.
At that time, he received a six-month suspension.
This time, he will likely get a year.
Now, I don't have problems with pre- and post-fight testing of athletes to catch cheaters.
Those who juice up deserve to be outed and punished.
But it is not the job of sanctioning body pee testers to go looking for things that would have no effect on a fight.
They aren't the cops or lifestyle police.
Same way they don't care whether Diaz was jaywalking across Las Vegas Blvd. or may have robbed a liquor store on his way to Mandalay Bay, they shouldn't care that he may have smoked pot in the days leading up to the fight.
It takes about 10 days for marijuana to leave the bloodstream, or so the experts tell me. Someone who smoked a joint over a week before can hardly be considered high on fight night.
If Diaz was packing bowls in his dressing room, then it's not a question of blood testing, but prudent fighter supervision.
If he wasn't, then chances are he wasn't high when he walked into the Octagon and there was no increased danger to his safety.
And that is the only thing the NSAC should concern itself with.
The big-picture folk would point to the fact that recreational drug use by fighters gives the sport a black eye.
It sends the wrong message, yadda, yadda, yadda.
These guys beat each other up for a living. Black eyes are encouraged.
These people aren't there to be held up as exemplary citizens to the great unwashed masses.
If you want to use pro athletes as role models for your children, then you should give your head a shake.
If that pro athlete is Nick Diaz, you may want to opt for a full lobotomy."
posted on 14/2/12
Macro. Very well said.