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The Haven

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posted on 18/9/21

comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 41 minutes ago

posted on 18/9/21

Jk, coffee

posted on 18/9/21

Son apparently out of tomorrow

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

comment by soccerlol (U7650)
posted 4 minutes ago
Jk, coffee
whuts jk?

posted on 18/9/21

comment by 4zA - Calcios coming Rome....Six stars on the shirt...lotsa Jules Rimets n Henri Delauneys r gleeming.....a cuppla weaks of hurt... (U22472)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by soccerlol (U7650)
posted 4 minutes ago
Jk, coffee
whuts jk?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

is it a bold flavor profile?
we enjoy Sumatra

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 18/9/21

Karma Sumatra?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

if u add rohypnol 2 it, yer

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 18/9/21

Sounds delicious

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

over time i have dis-covered that good coffee is better than bad coffee.

posted on 18/9/21

City so lucky.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

going too a restaurant 2nite that makes a Genovese sauce, which is not common
the owner is from Ischia

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 18/9/21

comment by 4zA - Calcios coming Rome....Six stars on the ... (U22472)
posted 7 minutes ago
over time i have dis-covered that good coffee is better than bad coffee.
I prefer no coffee tbh

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 18/9/21

The quality is more consistent

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

u dont like coffee?

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 18/9/21

Yeah I never liked coffee either. Bad taste and bad for health.

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 18/9/21

On its own it’s too strong to drink. I think coffee flavoured cake is good tho.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

i had bloodwork done cupple weeks ago n had no coffee that morning. just didnt feel rite

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 18/9/21

Not big on any hot/warm drinks tbh.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 18/9/21

comment by CSTP (U1453)
posted 1 minute ago
On its own it’s too strong to drink. I think coffee flavoured cake is good tho.
u like tea?

i try that but it just doesnt taste good 2me n i always feel nausius after drinking it.

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 18/9/21

I’m indifferent towards tea. If I’m at someone’s house and everyone’s having some, I’ll join in (1 sugar). But I never have it at home or on my own.

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 18/9/21

Only got drink I tend to have is honey mixed with hot water in winter when I’m not feeling well.

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 18/9/21

*only hot drink

posted on 18/9/21

Southampton legends

posted on 18/9/21

comment by Oscar. #TeamFury. (U12980)
posted 18 seconds ago
Southampton legends
Ffs concede twenty seconds later


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