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Are you not a little concerned?

Page 58 of 104

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 27/11/16

More points dropped manager sent to the stands AGAIN.

It's a concern alright.

posted on 27/11/16

I'm having trouble sleeping myself

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 27/11/16

It's keeping you up this concern.

posted on 27/11/16

20 points from the opening 13 games is Man Utd’s worst start to the league since 1989-90

Worse than Van Gaal
Worse than the chosen one Wee Davey Moyes

Special one indeed

posted on 28/11/16

Come on now they are just unlucky, in fact the unluckiest team in the league/ world.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/11/16

The lack of luck is a concern

posted on 28/11/16

It is all the referees fault. I saw a utd fan tweeting they would be top of the league if the refs gave them the correct decisions

This thread keeps giving

posted on 28/11/16

comment by Paulpowersleftfoot (U1037)
posted 16 hours, 45 minutes ago
I'm having trouble sleeping myself
Does it give you the urge to buy their official mattress and pillows?

posted on 28/11/16

comment by T Bone Steak Roysters (U3947)

posted 6 hours, 41 minutes ago

It is all the referees fault. I saw a utd fan tweeting they would be top of the league if the refs gave them the correct decisions

I'm 98.7% sure that must have been Hafi.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/11/16

Rob did a pretty passable hafi yesterday that might be what you saw.

posted on 1/1/17

My concerns are higher now than they were when this thread was born, so much so that i'm lying awake at 4:45 in the morning worrying.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 1/1/17

I think pep needs to rebuild the whole back five we knew this so as I have said before I don't think we would win anything this season I'm not overly concerned.

I do think if we miss out on champions league "a real possibility" then he will be sacked.

posted on 1/1/17

Your defence does need an overhaul.

Matip would suit you guys down to the ground, unfortunately you can't have him.

I can see Pep bringing in Tiago Silva or Marquinhos.

posted on 1/1/17

I think the difference is the keepers are poor these days or the fact virtually any shot goes in against Liverpool, Man City and even Man Utd these days.

posted on 1/1/17

Pogba worlds most expensive player starting to show good form. So frustrating we paid so much for a player we already had who left because Scholes came out of retirement and SAF played defenders in midfield instead of play Pogba.

posted on 16/1/17

This thread is over three years old yet there's more truth in it now than then.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 16/1/17

It's a stretty joint, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

posted on 16/1/17

I think we should all commend SE85 on his foresight.

O wise one, who hath prophesied the trials of King Pep the Almighty, I hereby rename thee Seer 85.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 16/1/17

And here it was thinking it was city obsessed with united.

posted on 17/1/17

Sweaty got a new login because he didn't want to keep seeing this beauty on his profile page.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 17/1/17

His reputation for one punch knockouts became legend

posted on 17/1/17

I think I'd be a little concerned if I was stretty
City have the worst keeper ever seen in top flight football,a defence that's barely pub standard and a manager who's showing the nous of a prepubescent feckwit yet the most expensive squad ever assembled at the worlds greatest club TM are still looking up at us and aspiring to be like City

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 17/1/17

There's only one team improving out of the two of us though. Pep seems to be taking you backwards week by week.

posted on 17/1/17

We've gone backwards from a position of winning our first six games though.

To put it into context, we've just won five out of seven in this terrible run we are on...

posted on 17/1/17

"Aspiring to be like City"

Moyes was rightly lambasted for coming out with such a ridiculous statement. Why make the same mistake yourself?

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