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That Pochettino CV in full -

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posted on 18/5/14

He has done pretty well. He is not an especially good manager and certainly not a great one but he done better than the likes of Paul Lambert, who were once considered his equals.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 18/5/14

Louis van Gaal went from our mickey mouse competition straight to Barcelona, winning the Premiera Division. The club he managed in the mickey mouse competition was Ajax. I dont see why FDB cant be a good choice for you. Winning 4 titles in a row is no mean feat.

posted on 18/5/14

Winning 4 titles in a row is no mean feat.

Meaningless on their own.

Mclaren's victory with FC Twente is more impressive and everyone says he's pants.

He might cut it in a non-mickey mouse league but we don't know.

That is why Im saying he would be a gamble.

posted on 18/5/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Bãlès (U3582)

posted on 18/5/14


It's not meaningless at all. De Boer has won the league 4 times in a row while losing Suarez, Vertonghen, Alderwereld (sp), Eriksen.. his ability to build and rebuild teams using young players and getting the best from them would suit us down to the ground imo.

Seems he's out of the running because he said he wants the job

Levy and his ego could cost us the manager with the CV you're after RC.. and it's flipping annoying.

posted on 18/5/14

I lost you at Brian Laudrup

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 18/5/14

Rafa looks the safest option. For the situation we're in where there is huge expectation on performing in the league (with Europe as a side distraction) and new players still needing to be settled it's probably best to go for an experienced manager who has been there and done it. For a younger lesser experienced manager it may be too much, at least in the short term. But as we know Levy doesn't deal in long term.

I'd go for Benitez too

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 18/5/14

comment by Roberto Soldado and the Y ids in Sherwood (U5073)
posted 9 minutes ago
I lost you at Brian Laudrup

posted on 18/5/14

I love rafa but if the chance came to win the europa or finush 4th he will go for the cup every time. In that scenario what would spurs fans prefer?

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 18/5/14

Big gamble or little gamble lets just get behind the manager for a change

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 18/5/14

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 1 minute ago
I love rafa but if the chance came to win the europa or finush 4th he will go for the cup every time. In that scenario what would spurs fans prefer?
Winning Europa gets CL, so trophy please

posted on 18/5/14

Didn't he do a good job at Espanyol. I know he took them from relegation to mid table, although didn't he leave then last place? Can't be easy managing your old team mates though.

He's done a sterling job at Southampton, too early in his career to know how good a manager he is exactly, but his ideas are good.

I think you guys are looking for the next upcoming manager.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 18/5/14

Pochettino's Southampton win % is quite low though. It's not even above 40. Even Poyet's is above that.

posted on 18/5/14

Would you care for win % if you finished top 4?

He's turned Southampton from an average dull side to one of the best sides to watch in England.

Of course Rafa will keep you good defensively, but Spurs fans have owned about their style of football since Harry left....

posted on 18/5/14


I'm the only person in his fan club

comment by Bãlès (U3582)

posted on 18/5/14

Sherwood had a 0% win ratio when he took over.

Can we kindly forget about that stat for now please

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 18/5/14

Would you care for win % if you finished top 4?


Well we'd unlikely get top 4 with a low win %, so yeah I care to an extent. And playing well is fine if you're winning matches too.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 18/5/14

Pav - Harsh on Sherwood. He did have a 0% loss ratio before coming to Spurs as well.

posted on 18/5/14

Well there is little point in bringing up a own percentage for a club who finished higher than expected...

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 18/5/14

I'd still like us to win more matches than not.

For the record I'm not using the win % solely to judge whether Pochettino is the right choice. I think he has done well at Southampton and got them playing well. The win % maybe does highlight how he's been a bit overrated though.

comment by Bãlès (U3582)

posted on 18/5/14


I think Pochettino's win percentage shows Southampton have been overrated due to the way they play and Shaw/Lallana making headlines. Their squad is too thin and they could well struggle next season unless they strengthen, especially up front.

For me any new manager has to have an attacking ethos and enough of a track record to say he hasn't fluked it so far. Like with players though, we have to be realistic and look at potential - established big names will be poached (LvG) or not even consider us (Ancelotti).

Levy having patience and actually sticking to his decision is more important than who we chose imo - they're all qualified and have a decent squad full of young players to work with

posted on 18/5/14

Why don't you guys worry about Levy?
He's the real problem - a money bags who knows diddly squat about football.
Also .... if you're off to the World Cup in Brazil, worry about getting Dengue fever.
That's a REAL worry.

comment by Bãlès (U3582)

posted on 18/5/14

Way ahead of you Ted

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 18/5/14


Indeed there is a bit of ' being at the right place at the right time' for Pochettino this season, with all these talented English players in a WC year. He is a risk and I would personally at least try for safer options like Benitez, but whatever we're doing I mostly just want us to get on with it so we can bed the manager in with his players and add others before next season.

Whether it's Pochettino, Benitez or De Boer I'm a little bit excited to see the results......unless it's Moyes.

comment by Bãlès (U3582)

posted on 18/5/14


I think we can all agree we don't want Moyes!

Benitez has the best CV out of the remaining candidates.. can't see Napoli letting him go after a successful first season though. The wildcards could come from the World Cup fallout - will Klinsmann fancy a return to England? Could Prandelli be the man to turn us into winners?

Personally I want a manager in place before then, scouting players and preparing for next season.. which starts in mid July

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