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These 101 comments are related to an article called:

World Cup Boycott

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posted on 5/9/14

comment by UnitedRedMacca - Sharerojindfalaria (U2024)
posted 7 minutes ago
You understand this illigitamate "Islamic State" were propped up by the yanks to fight Asad in Syria only couple of years ago.
what has that got to do with them now ethnic cleansing Iraq and beheading innocent reporters?

Just because The US originally supported them, I don't see how why they cannot change their minds based on the acts they are now comitting

Oh, I'm still waiting for your response to why the UN would sanction resolution 1483 if they considered the Iraq war illegal?

Iraq had been ignoring UN resolution after UN resolution going back to 687 after the first Gulf War and even well before that too

Lets not pretend The UN didn't give Saddam chance after chance to get his house in order before The coalition invaded.

You have mentioned Scott Ritter's report many times befor but have yet to answer my questions on the frightening section about VX

You understand of course that wars of aggression are illegal right?

What did Iraq do to Britain or the USA?

Here is Kofi Annan telling you it's illegal.


I don't think you have fully read up on your UN resolutions mate.

The yanks didn't just support them, they created them so don't mince around with words.

Like I said they only ever intervene when resources are at stake.

North Korea and nothing.

Myanmar genocide in Burma and nothing (that didn't even make the news)

posted on 5/9/14

comment by Falcao's Fortress of Fear (U9083)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *Palestine4Ever* (U18082)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by Falcao's Fortress of Fear (U9083)
posted 1 minute ago
Kung Fu Cantona *Palestine4Ever* (U18082)

The US fought with Sunny militants I believe, although some of these broke away into the ISIS group, it certainly isn't in the way you have painted it.

Everything I have read suggests that IS (ISIS) formed in Iraq as a part of Al Qaeda but were disowned by the group

They are not Sunni they are Wahhabi.

They were not formed in Iraq they were created in Syria by the United States which is why they claim that the so called Islamic State extends from Syria to Iraq.

This a basic knowledge of the group that every day people don't know and it's dangerous.

You need to start doing real research!
A quick google search suggests you're talking out your arsé

How so?

Did fox tell you they are Sunni or did sky news?

posted on 5/9/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/9/14

comment by Falcao's Fortress of Fear (U9083)
posted 8 minutes ago
Kung Fu Cantona

You also seem to make excuses for these kind of groups, just as you have done the Palatines previously (who are in no way innocent).

Regardless of who funded them from the outset, they were not going into villages and savagely killing anybody who doesn't pay them money or join them, which is exactly what they are doing.

There are whole towns fleeing form their homes because IS are doing just this, they are making examples of people by beheading them and leaving their heads out for all to see what happens if you do now pay up or join. This includes fellow Muslims and even children

Show me one sentence where I have excused the disgusting group in Iraq and Syria.

I will excuse murdered children in Palestine though.

I don't like Hamas (created by Israel to oppose the PLO only for it to back fire, do you see a pattern emerging?) but they are the only thing standing in the way of Israel ethnically cleansing Palestine which was asked for by several members of the Israeli Parliament.

posted on 5/9/14

How so?

Did fox tell you they are Sunni or did sky news?

Every single link I can find....

posted on 5/9/14

Regardless of who funded them from the outset, they were not going into villages and savagely killing anybody who doesn't pay them money or join them, which is exactly what they are doing.

There are whole towns fleeing form their homes because IS are doing just this, they are making examples of people by beheading them and leaving their heads out for all to see what happens if you do now pay up or join. This includes fellow Muslims and even children


Also the best way to stop this happening is to stop invading countries and making these groups.

How about we just stick to our own borders and look after our own people who have to visit food banks.

Then maybe when we grasp what morality is we can intervene with international matters.

posted on 5/9/14

What does ISIS have to do with this topic?

posted on 5/9/14

comment by Falcao's Fortress of Fear (U9083)
posted 1 minute ago

How so?

Did fox tell you they are Sunni or did sky news?

Every single link I can find....

I know what a Sunni and I know what a Wahhabi is.

I'm Muslim, I should know.

There ideology stems from Saudi Arabia and was a sect founded within the last 200 years which is extreme in it's very nature.

Sunnis you will find in places like Morocco, Malaysia, Dubai etc where the Arab/Muslim populations act nothing like what is going on in Iraq.

Please show me one of these links....

posted on 5/9/14


posted on 5/9/14

"I'm Muslim, I should know."

And this is the only reason you fail to see where Palestine are also in the wrong. Yes Isreal are also.

posted on 5/9/14

comment by CurrentlyInChina84 (U11181)
posted 3 minutes ago
What does ISIS have to do with this topic?
Nothing, good point.

posted on 5/9/14

F_ck Russia

posted on 5/9/14

comment by Falcao's Fortress of Fear (U9083)
posted 38 seconds ago



I think you'll find plenty of links there calling them Wahabi or Salafi which is another word for this sect. Some links say Wahabbi-Sunni although not entirely accurate.

Where did you get the idea that every link described them as Sunni?

posted on 5/9/14

comment by Falcao's Fortress of Fear (U9083)
posted 2 minutes ago
"I'm Muslim, I should know."

And this is the only reason you fail to see where Palestine are also in the wrong. Yes Isreal are also.

I don't condone what Hamas do but you understand that people have been getting tossed of there land and killed for not moving since 1948 right?

What country wouldn't resist half of there land being given away without there permission?

Would England allow it?

posted on 5/9/14

What does Palestine, Hamas and Israel have to do with this?

posted on 5/9/14


posted on 5/9/14

Guys, you both have gone way of topic. Rein it in.

If countries like Argentina, Brazil, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, France (& a few others like USA)were to boycott the world cup and hold their own tournament at the same time, people will prefer to watch that than the world cup. Sponsors would also think twice, especially if the alternative world cup made sure that they will not allow companies to sponsor both.

posted on 5/9/14

comment by CurrentlyInChina84 (U11181)
posted 9 minutes ago
What does Palestine, Hamas and Israel have to do with this?

This thread is political!

The only reason the boycott is being talked about is for political reasons.

My only point is that a boycott shouldn't go ahead because of our history what gives us the right to judge.

Somebody tried dismissing our illegal wars as legit, which is wrong on many levels.

Thats what it has to do with the convo.

It was political from the very moment it was posted.

posted on 5/9/14

It was but still related to football. The tangent it has taken its not related. Well not anymore at least.

posted on 5/9/14

comment by CurrentlyInChina84 (U11181)
posted 25 seconds ago
It was but still related to football. The tangent it has taken its not related. Well not anymore at least.

Well to bring it back...

Every country on this planet is guilty of doing despicable things or at least the countries which will ever be considered for a world cup so best to leave political matters out of sports.

posted on 5/9/14

Robb, I would distinguish between the respective sides' involvement in Ukraine as one of attempting to influence from West as opposed to coercion from the East.

That's not to say the West is innocent of much worse around the world.

posted on 5/9/14

"My only point is that a boycott shouldn't go ahead because of our history what gives us the right to judge."

If everyone did that then nothing would ever change though. Boycotts if utilised in the right circumstances are the right thing.

posted on 5/9/14

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 2 minutes ago
"My only point is that a boycott shouldn't go ahead because of our history what gives us the right to judge."

If everyone did that then nothing would ever change though. Boycotts if utilised in the right circumstances are the right thing.

Absolutely agree, but when a bunch of countries chose to boycott another for acts they are guilty of as well, then who is in the right?

posted on 5/9/14

Depends if they are happening at the same time and the circumstances. I can't think of a similar situation involving us compared to Russia currently for example, particularly recently.

posted on 5/9/14

Kung fu cantona

My apologies for berating Saddam

It was my understand that he ignored many un resolutions and made the un inspectors life's difficult but I now realise the error of my ways and understand that wasn't the case and he was simply missunderstood and the west went in murdering as many innocent people as they could

Over a million and counting. It's time the world realised the British and us soldiers are murdering bstards and the likes of Saddam Theresa, Osama and any other misunderstood Muslim terrorist heroes are exactly that. Heroes

More murder and ethnic cleansing is what we need, not peace

Vx factories. We need more of them too.

The west are such killjoys eh bud?

Here's a challenge for you. I do realise it will be unbelievably difficult and it really is a huge huge ask but write some stuff criticising Muslim extremities without using the word 'but'

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