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Ricciardo tips Nico

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posted on 26/9/16

Next three tracks are cast-iron Lewis tracks, one would imagine without mechincal failures (or bad start from Pole) will have raw race pace to beat Nico.
Might be enough to dampen Nico' spirit again, if he wins all three.

posted on 26/9/16

Malaysia yes, Japan was his first win at Suzuka last year and the US, sure.

If he nails the start or even if he is just behind Nico, you know he will win

posted on 27/9/16

One of the downsides of SKY coverage is their hyping up of everything.

When I look at the last 3 races Nico has won;

1. Spa - Hamilton started from back of the grid
2. Monza - Mercedes claim there was a problem with the clutch
3. Singapore - Had a torrid FP session

I want a battle for the championship but they need to calm down a wee bit.

posted on 1/10/16

It's all over imo. Never mind what Nico has scored in the last few GP's.
Hamilton is faster. He knows he's faster and Nico knows he's faster.

For a reference, look up Senna v Prost.
Game over insert coin IMHO.

posted on 11/10/16

comment by Irishgreen (U3215)
posted 1 week, 3 days ago
It's all over imo. Never mind what Nico has scored in the last few GP's.
Hamilton is faster. He knows he's faster and Nico knows he's faster.

For a reference, look up Senna v Prost.
Game over insert coin IMHO.

Nervy prediction Irish?

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