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SW TLJ Spoilers

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posted on 15/12/17

Come on then spoil it for me.

posted on 15/12/17

It was a bit crap.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

I am so plssed off with that

Literally deflated

posted on 15/12/17

After I came out, I think I was on a bit of a buzz from some of the climactic scenes, but as I started to dissect it with my mate over a few beers, and then thought about it more late last night and early this morning.....it wasn;t a star wars movie.

Its the avengers in the star wars universe.

posted on 15/12/17

Snoke's death sounded abit underwhelming.
Thought he'd atleast continue to be that major antagonist.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

Ignoring the plot that didn't go anywhere, and the character assassinations throughout the film some of the unnecessary things that happened.

Why did Luke call a lightsaber a "laser sword"? Why is the main character in Star Wars taking the plss out of Star Wars?

And Leia's superhero space fly thing. I mean wtf? Jedi are followers of an ancient religion that can control the surroundings and other physical beings. They aren't superheroes or gods. It was stupid beyond words.

How Snoke's death happened was actually quite good, but it was at the wrong point in the trilogy. Snoke is the reason this entire sequel trilogy even happened when you think about it. He set up the first order, he manipulated Ben Solo and he is clearly very powerful with the force. Episode 8 should have been about building his character. WHY did he want to kill Luke, WHAT was his overall objective, and just a brief explanation of where he came from. It didn't have to be long or take up half the film. The answer we ended up getting from Who is Snoke? Who cares.

I'm even overlooking other stupid things like Luke chucking the lightsaber away

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 15/12/17

Thought Mark Hamill put in a fantastic performance as the guilt ridden, broken Jedi and his death scene was beautifully done

Thought Carrie Fisher put in a really good performance as well. I enjoyed seeing her portray Leia as someone who was constantly being ground down by decades of war and yet still retained a belief in what she was doing.

The scene in the old rebel base between Luke and Leia was a touching moment, given extra weight by the untimely death of Carrie Fisher.

Loved the Yoda cameo. In an age where spoilers are far too easy to come across, this was a really nice surprise.

Thought the film looked great with some fantastic battles and some stunning special effects. That scene where Laura Dern jumps the resistance ship into that massive Super Star destroyer was a thing of beauty. Also really enjoyed the scenes in Snoakes throne room, which not only had a very good fight scene but was also very well written.

Enjoyed the depth that this film added to the character of Kylo Ren. At one point in Snoakes throne room I genuinely thought that Ren had turned to the light side.

The bit of extra weight that Daisy Ridley seemed to gain really suited her and made he look even more beautiful.

Did'nt really like the Casino scenes, they just did'nt look or feel right. Although as the ending showed, they might have served a greater purpose in spreading the Skywalker and rebellion legend.

Also did'nt like Leia's resurrection scene when she was blowen into space. Would have also preferred to see Admiral Ackbar have a more significant and heroic death.

With the death of Luke and Carre Fishers sad death, the ending of the film very much felt like the passing of the torch from one generation to the next.

Looking forward to seeing how this trilogy ends in episode 9.

posted on 15/12/17

I've read Finn is underused,which is a shame because I thought Boyega was one of the main redeaming factors of TFA.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

I gave TFA the benefit of the doubt because things were explained (deliberately I thought to make for an interesting sequel). But the Last Jedi has now made Force Awakens a much worse film.

Rey has no links to any force users, no relation, no back story. She is literally just a random scavenger who had shlt parents and can do everything perfectly. I now agree with everyone who said she is a Mary Sue because she most definitely is.

What makes things even more ridiculous is Rey ended up beating Kylo in the duel in TFA, when 10 years prior Kylo outsmarted Luke while he was half asleep I mean ffs the stupidity is beyond belief

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

things weren't explained* first line

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

The scene in the old rebel base between Luke and Leia was a touching moment, given extra weight by the untimely death of Carrie Fisher.

^I agree up to the point I realised it was an illusion

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 15/12/17

comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 7 seconds ago
The scene in the old rebel base between Luke and Leia was a touching moment, given extra weight by the untimely death of Carrie Fisher.

^I agree up to the point I realised it was an illusion
I knew it was a force projection the moment I saw him.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

To me it just seemed like they were trying to undermine Luke's character the whole way through. Because they want Rey to be the main centre piece and not be outdone.

At this point I think they should have done a trilogy in a different era entirely and not brought back any of the old cast

posted on 15/12/17

Luke was just ridiculous. Throwing away the light sabre. Having some sort of pig nuns waiting hand and foot on him. MILKNG A FFECKIN SPACE COWS TEATS!!!!

In his good, wise sage moments he was great. But why did he become one of the three stooges/

The Finn story line was awful. Racing cows? That was TPM through and through. Pointless.

Superleia? Nonsense. It was the perfect way for her to go. It was a nice scene, gave us the opportunity to again see the torment in Kylo, and then she held her breath and flew through space? Pi$$ off! Then the character had little point the remainder of the film.

The Throne room scene was the most frustrating of all. I loved most of it. the light and dark coming together, the echoes of Jedi. I even liked Snokes death (although the lack of explanation of who he is was infuriating). The idea of Kylo and Rey teaming up, her thinking she can turn him to the light, him thinking they can rule the galaxy, should've been the set up for the next episode. Just take his hand and leave us with that cliffhanger.... Urrrggghhhh

Some great ideas. So badly executed

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 15/12/17

I don’t really get the need for a backstory off Snoke. In the OT you don’t know anything off The Emperor either.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

Snoke did not get off his arsse once in all his screen time (besides one second to shock Kylo)

Luke did not leave his island once and ended up dying there

Captain Phasma was a waste of time

The amount of wasted potential is surreal

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

comment by ツ Hєиgу• (U9129)
posted 1 minute ago
I don’t really get the need for a backstory off Snoke. In the OT you don’t know anything off The Emperor either.
The reason is we already have the previous 80 years in canon. And Snoke is presumably around that age. Where did he come from and why is he so powerful? It has to be asked when we have seen films throughout his life with no mention of him whatsoever

posted on 15/12/17

The amount of wasted potential is surreal


I think thats the main take away from it. Such a great opportunity to create a great storyline, wasted. And huge dollops of misplaced humor.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

Never thought I'd say this but it would've been better if JJ just directed the whole trilogy.

You can't have two different directors with two different visions. Johnson basically just spat on everything JJ set up and implemented his own vision. Some of the characters completely changed.

Snoke went from a very serious character to basically a joker.

Poe went from a very good pilot to attempting the lead the entire resistance.

Rian had no idea what to do with Finn.

Luke the less said the better. I highly doubt that is what JJ had in mind

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 15/12/17

comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by ツ Hєиgу• (U9129)
posted 1 minute ago
I don’t really get the need for a backstory off Snoke. In the OT you don’t know anything off The Emperor either.
The reason is we already have the previous 80 years in canon. And Snoke is presumably around that age. Where did he come from and why is he so powerful? It has to be asked when we have seen films throughout his life with no mention of him whatsoever
To dig that deep into snoke would’ve made this a Snoke film.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

comment by ツ Hєиgу• (U9129)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Obers (U3904)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by ツ Hєиgу• (U9129)
posted 1 minute ago
I don’t really get the need for a backstory off Snoke. In the OT you don’t know anything off The Emperor either.
The reason is we already have the previous 80 years in canon. And Snoke is presumably around that age. Where did he come from and why is he so powerful? It has to be asked when we have seen films throughout his life with no mention of him whatsoever
To dig that deep into snoke would’ve made this a Snoke film.
No. Not at all. A couple of vague sentences about who is was, why he was so dangerous, what he was trying to do would have sufficed. They didn't have to even have come from Snoke himself.

This film should have been about character development. Development of Luke (not the shambles we saw), development of Snoke, development of Rey and development of Kylo Ren. We only got development from Kylo Ren. Mixed in with space battles and a couple of lightsaber battles and twists it would have been a great film.

Snoke's death would have been far more significant if we knew things about him and what he was trying to do. And it would have been better at the start of episode 9.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 15/12/17

A couple off vague comments would have people moaning like wow they couldn’t even explain it properly.

Thought Luke was player awesome tbh. A depressed, slightly mad old recluse.

Although the milking and fishing buts weren’t needed,

Yoda was excellent. Much more like how he was in ESB. With seeing the Jedi books in the Falcon his line about “nothing that girl doesn’t know” made more sense.

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 15/12/17

Luke was ok. But some do the things were stupid and unnecessary. Throwing the lightsaber away, calling a lightsaber a laser sword, milking that space cow.

And the ending was so anti climatic. I thought when he was being shot at from all angles he was absorbing all the bullets and was gonna do the biggest force push and knock all the At Ats over. Sigh what could have been

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 15/12/17

Quick question.

When the bloke did the it’s salt taste test the man who walked out looked a lot like Captain Rex ( although a bit slimmer )

posted on 15/12/17

comment by ツ Hєиgу• (U9129)
posted 7 minutes ago
Quick question.

When the bloke did the it’s salt taste test the man who walked out looked a lot like Captain Rex ( although a bit slimmer )
Couldn;t be him at all. Clone troopers age quicker than humans.

Clone wars was about 20 years before ANH and he was already at his peak then.

If he made it as far as TLJ, well thats what, 30 odd years after ANH. So a total of 50 ish years and he would age maybe twice as fast. he'd be about 130 year old at this point.

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