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These 10 comments are related to an article called:

Utterly woeful

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 25/2/18

posted on 25/2/18

Hands down man has to go ain’t no rescue mission this time we stink it’s stenching and drenching the whole London, sick.

posted on 25/2/18

Wenger and the board killed us in January

To sell Sanchez, Giroud and Walcott - our main goal scorers in the last 3 season and then to buy another striker and neglecting the MF and Defense

posted on 25/2/18

Arsenal are a disgrace, thats how i feel about you

posted on 25/2/18

I think the biggest problem is playing Xhaka every single facking game. He is weak, poor, slow and doesnt put in any effort.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 25/2/18

No, the biggest problem is the guy who keeps putting him in the same system expecting him to perform better.

posted on 25/2/18

Utterly Arsenal

posted on 25/2/18

Östersunds would have proved more worthy adversaries.

posted on 25/2/18

Congratulations Arsenal! You have just given a whole new meaning to the word "embarrassing"!

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 26/2/18

Wilshere was an embarrassment his diving yesterday was atrocious.

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