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Tottenham Transfer News - LIVE

Page 604 of 1951

posted on 24/2/20

A fully fit Sissoko right now is ten fold better than dier and incredibly unfit Ndombele right now

posted on 24/2/20

Not ignore all the issues but crying about them on a faceless forum, how does that help exactly?

We all know injuries plus the lack of investment in windows gone by are killing us the moment. I prefer to look ahead and give Jose and Levy of course time to correct the squad in the up and coming windows.

posted on 24/2/20

comment by LukaBrasi (U22178)
posted 3 minutes ago
Not ignore all the issues but crying about them on a faceless forum, how does that help exactly?

We all know injuries plus the lack of investment in windows gone by are killing us the moment. I prefer to look ahead and give Jose and Levy of course time to correct the squad in the up and coming windows.

Forum are created for discussions. Positive or negative - how does that help? It depends how seriously you take it. For some it could be an outlet to share their frustration, others to read different viewpoints or ultimately it could even mean fan frustration leaks into the stadium and forces some change.

But injuries and lack of investment has been killing us for over a decade. I think it's naïve to just give the benefit of doubt to Levy when he has a track record of doing so under multiple management. So based on what we have seen you're basically accepting being fooled again.

How many times do we need to build a team near achieving something and avoid spending the extra £m on two quality players before you see the constant issue reoccurring?

posted on 24/2/20

It doesn't help that for years we've been sold "projects" regarding gradual squad development within our financial constraints only for it to be blown apart within the same of months.

posted on 24/2/20

If Levy continues to spend untold sums on improving the deal and Mourinho can get them playing proper football and winning then fine but -

A) Levy is a repeat offender of poor timings with transfers
B) Buying players who haven't always been the manager's choice
C) Mourinho is a tactical dinosaur
D) Both their approaches to squad investment as far as history says are in total misalignment

posted on 24/2/20

I like you BBH, but I can see why accusations of bullying are never far away when you're on the scene

posted on 24/2/20

Seriously though, I agree obviously. It's all very well saying "Give it time, be hopeful and things will improve", but that's denying the facts that are staring us all in the face.

I'd rather complain about the status quo on the off chance that it, along with everyone else's, might eventually convey the message to the board. I think that's more productive than sitting back and saying "This is fine, things will get better when Levy spends and Mourinho changes his approach" when the weight of history says neither of those things will happen.

Blind hope won't get you anywhere.

posted on 24/2/20

Only way to make a point to the board is to give up your Season ticket (which I will do for next year) sadly there/s enough people/tourists who will buy them up

posted on 24/2/20

In return for that stadium Levy expects unlimited fan loyalty with incredibly deep pockets, Managers to act as miracle workers and for Kane to play every minute of every game, score 30+ a season and never get injured..... Tell me if the stadium was worth it ? coz with him in charge nothing is changing

posted on 24/2/20

You're not wrong re. voting with your wallet, but equally I don't think even Daniel Levy would ignore it if fans properly made their feelings known during games.

posted on 24/2/20

comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 13 minutes ago
I like you BBH, but I can see why accusations of bullying are never far away when you're on the scene
who has accused BBH of Bullying ??? Seems like a reasonable bloke

posted on 24/2/20

comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 19 seconds ago
You're not wrong re. voting with your wallet, but equally I don't think even Daniel Levy would ignore it if fans properly made their feelings known during games.
I'm all for fans making their feelings known but not during a game. There is a time and place. During the game we should be fully behind the team. If you don't want to pay, fair play stay away and do what you need to do but the team comes first.

posted on 24/2/20

comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 2 minutes ago
You're not wrong re. voting with your wallet, but equally I don't think even Daniel Levy would ignore it if fans properly made their feelings known during games.
Maybe but if you are in the ground to make your voice heard then you have already given him what he wants.... $$$$$$$. He doesn't care what you think../... No owners do.... Look how much shlt Ashley has taken. He wont sell/ change his approach til he gets what he wants

posted on 24/2/20

comment by LukaBrasi (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 19 seconds ago
You're not wrong re. voting with your wallet, but equally I don't think even Daniel Levy would ignore it if fans properly made their feelings known during games.
I'm all for fans making their feelings known but not during a game. There is a time and place. During the game we should be fully behind the team. If you don't want to pay, fair play stay away and do what you need to do but the team comes first.
We'll the team clearly doesn't come first does it.... The bank balance does. You can make all the noise in the world but you aint changing Lucas Moura into a CF and all that noise aint gonna make CBs miss the headers that come their way when all we do is lump it forward

posted on 24/2/20

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 0 seconds ago
comment by LukaBrasi (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 19 seconds ago
You're not wrong re. voting with your wallet, but equally I don't think even Daniel Levy would ignore it if fans properly made their feelings known during games.
I'm all for fans making their feelings known but not during a game. There is a time and place. During the game we should be fully behind the team. If you don't want to pay, fair play stay away and do what you need to do but the team comes first.
We'll the team clearly doesn't come first does it.... The bank balance does. You can make all the noise in the world but you aint changing Lucas Moura into a CF and all that noise aint gonna make CBs miss the headers that come their way when all we do is lump it forward
Get behind the team,.,.,, Do me a favor.. Grow up. This is a business, success is based on hiring the right people and paying the prices to get the best at their positions..... Add in smart management, clever scouting etc..... "Getting behind the team"... Thats 25 years old & totally irrelevant

posted on 24/2/20

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted about an hour ago
Only way to make a point to the board is to give up your Season ticket (which I will do for next year) sadly there/s enough people/tourists who will buy them up
Only reason I am keeping my season ticket is you can sell every ticket on the exchange

Once that option goes we'll start seeing lower attendances. I don't envisage that happening any time soon though.

posted on 25/2/20

I want Jose gone, this no striker nonsense is bo110 cks. Just facking play Troy you bald caaant

posted on 25/2/20

Tbf, Mourinho is many things but he isn't bald

posted on 25/2/20

AH you little rascal

He needs a new barber that's for sure.

posted on 25/2/20

I thought you were a Mourinho fan Dele?

posted on 25/2/20

comment by Amanda Hugginkiss (U11574)
posted 16 seconds ago
I thought you were a Mourinho fan Dele?
No, I loved Poch and still feel bereft if I'm honest.

I did state (when all this went down) the only way I could tolerate Jose was if we get a rejuvenated Jose of his Chelsea and Inter days.

So far there has been no evidence of that and he just seems outdated with dinosaur tactics. So negative.

posted on 25/2/20

Can't believe he has been outsmarted by Lampard twice this season

You see it getting any better AH?

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 25/2/20

bald frauds everywhere

posted on 25/2/20

comment by Phendombele (U20037)
posted 59 seconds ago
bald frauds everywhere

posted on 25/2/20


How you doing mate?

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