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These 137 comments are related to an article called:

Official bowl movement thread

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posted on 21/2/12

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posted on 2/3/12

On the bus atm touching cloth. Going to be a very awkward walk home. Please hurry up

posted on 2/3/12

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comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 3/3/12

None of you have poo'ed for 1 day and 7 hours?


posted on 3/3/12

Just to let you all know I did make it home and it was an enjoyable refreshing poo. Lots of Love Andy

comment by Maяcо (U1329)

posted on 3/3/12

Thanks for keeping us informed, I haven't slept for 1 day, 7 hours

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 4/3/12

Does anyone else cover a public toilet seat in toilet paper squares so you don't have to sit on man germs?

posted on 4/3/12

Sunday morning poOooop

posted on 13/3/12

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posted on 13/3/12

pre-gym poo, nothing gets me pumped up better!

posted on 14/3/12

I think I've just torn my ersehole, there's been newborn babies that have weighed less than that dump I just unleashed

comment by 0 (U7899)

posted on 21/3/12

Guiness is still making my poo black

posted on 23/3/12

food poisoning. Grim.

posted on 25/3/12

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posted on 26/3/12

Post weekend beer poos

comment by (U6361)

posted on 27/3/12

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posted on 28/3/12

It seems poppy seeds aren't fully digestable.

posted on 4/4/12

I have been holding onto this one since before the gym, i was letting out an "eep" every time i did a calf raise

posted on 4/4/12

Excessive coffee drinking through the day and a mean Madras for supper do not make for happy times on the bog..

posted on 26/4/12

had a nightmare the other day. Was out at a client meeting and they had one of those buildings you need to be swiped in and out of everywhere. On the way up I stopped at a service station, bought a coffee and a bran muffin. by the time I was at the meeting it had brewed nicely.

Unfortunately due to said swipe system I had to be escorted to the gents, I was praying it would be a quick affair so it wouldn't be obvious I'd been dropping mr and mrs brown off at the pool.

Once I thought I'd finished I took the unsure first wipe to assess the situation and unfortunately it was a code red cleanup job. I couldn't do it half hearted either cos I was wearing white boxers. Was around 15 mins before the all clear was given, and was a little awkward for my escort as I'd obviously just dropped a bomb.

comment by 0 (U7899)

posted on 4/5/12

Had some chunks of in my pooh today from last night dinner.

posted on 1/6/12

Curry-nation chicken all round this weekend let the street parties commence!!!!
Well done your Majesty 60 years on the throne!!!
Hip hip Curry
Hip hip Curry
Hip hip Curry

posted on 5/6/12

Ok we've all had a royal feast this weekend so there should be some good royal movements to look forward to!!!!
She does keep a royal eye on this board so please on behalf of our monarch, please "log inn"

posted on 5/6/12

"some farts they can't be heard just smelled"

posted on 4/7/12

Oh my god I nearly just had a heart attack.

Wiped my rrse only to find it seemingly covered in blood.

Took at least 5 seconds to remember the large amount of beetroot I ate last night.

Which is a looooong time when you're panicking..........

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