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These 206 comments are related to an article called:

Respect girls and women.

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posted on 16/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 2 hours, 31 minutes ago
Attacking a statue 10 years in prison
Rape sentences 5 years in prison.

Think that should tell you all you need to know about how women are regarded in this country.
10 years for attacking a statue? When did this happen?

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 2 hours, 31 minutes ago
Attacking a statue 10 years in prison
Rape sentences 5 years in prison.

Think that should tell you all you need to know about how women are regarded in this country.
10 years for attacking a statue? When did this happen?
The new police and crime Bill they’re pushing through as we speak.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 2 hours, 31 minutes ago
Attacking a statue 10 years in prison
Rape sentences 5 years in prison.

Think that should tell you all you need to know about how women are regarded in this country.
10 years for attacking a statue? When did this happen?
The new police and crime Bill they’re pushing through as we speak.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 2 hours, 31 minutes ago
Attacking a statue 10 years in prison
Rape sentences 5 years in prison.

Think that should tell you all you need to know about how women are regarded in this country.
10 years for attacking a statue? When did this happen?
The new police and crime Bill they’re pushing through as we speak.

posted on 16/3/21

I wonder what you need to do to receive a 10 year sentence?

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 1 minute ago
I wonder what you need to do to receive a 10 year sentence?
All this is because of that statue of a slave trader they chucked in the river, and XR being pretty successful at non violent protesting!

posted on 16/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/3/21

comment by lexballielegend (U22335)
posted 32 seconds ago
10 years I would imagine it would have to be a statue of some old bigot, slave owner or war monger that you deface. The kind of statue that Boris idolizes

posted on 16/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/3/21

comment by lexballielegend (U22335)
posted 21 seconds ago
Does that mean you can get the jail for the auld traffic cone on the Duke of Wellington now then
You can go to jail for behaving in a way that others may find annoying.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Clockwork Red (U4892)
posted 6 hours, 8 minutes ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum are not mine but a fictionalised version loosely based on someone similar to me (U14864)
posted 13 minutes ago
Women live in a world where if they are walking home from a night out / late shift etc they actively have to think about how to reduce the risk of sexual assault or murder.

I live in a world when walking home my main risks are can I get pizza or pakora on the way?

Where do you live? Certainly not London

I know, I was wondering this. Twice this very evening I have crossed the road to avoid people whose body language made me suspicious. I was probably being over-cautious, but since I was randomly and violently attacked about ten years ago I am super-aware of who’s around me when I’m out at night. Within seconds of seeing someone up ahead, I’ve worked out their gender, their build, their speed and gait, whether they are walking towards or away from me, whether they’re on the phone, whether they have noticed me, and what will be around us when our paths cross. Sometimes I cross the road, sometimes I get my keys out ready. Just second nature.

Ok Jason Bourne

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 16/3/21

Like so many things the answers lie in education, poverty, policing resources and parenting. All expensive compared with passing a law and claiming the political high ground.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 57 minutes ago
I wonder what you need to do to receive a 10 year sentence?

Incorrectly complete a return to the U.K. form

posted on 16/3/21

comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum... (U14864)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Clockwork Red (U4892)
posted 6 hours, 8 minutes ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum are not mine but a fictionalised version loosely based on someone similar to me (U14864)
posted 13 minutes ago
Women live in a world where if they are walking home from a night out / late shift etc they actively have to think about how to reduce the risk of sexual assault or murder.

I live in a world when walking home my main risks are can I get pizza or pakora on the way?

Where do you live? Certainly not London

I know, I was wondering this. Twice this very evening I have crossed the road to avoid people whose body language made me suspicious. I was probably being over-cautious, but since I was randomly and violently attacked about ten years ago I am super-aware of who’s around me when I’m out at night. Within seconds of seeing someone up ahead, I’ve worked out their gender, their build, their speed and gait, whether they are walking towards or away from me, whether they’re on the phone, whether they have noticed me, and what will be around us when our paths cross. Sometimes I cross the road, sometimes I get my keys out ready. Just second nature.

Ok Jason Bourne


posted on 16/3/21

comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 1 minute ago
Like so many things the answers lie in education, poverty, policing resources and parenting. All expensive compared with passing a law and claiming the political high ground.
Nothings going to change, they were doing “reclaim the streets” protests back in the 70’s.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 9 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 16 minutes ago
Also I find the whole “abuse” thing and lumping it all in the same category astounding. People online saying “every woman has at one point been harassed or sexually abused”. There’s a huge difference between flirting with someone and sexual assault.

I’ve been hollered at and had my ass squeezed and followed about by women in bars and clubs before but I wouldn’t blame all women for it.
Nobody is blaming all men.

Why you getting so defensive if it doesn't apply to you?
Maybe you haven’t been on the internet or watched tv the whole week? People have been blaming all men.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum are not mine but a fictionalised version loosely based on someone similar to me (U14864)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by Clockwork Red (U4892)
posted 6 hours, 8 minutes ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum are not mine but a fictionalised version loosely based on someone similar to me (U14864)
posted 13 minutes ago
Women live in a world where if they are walking home from a night out / late shift etc they actively have to think about how to reduce the risk of sexual assault or murder.

I live in a world when walking home my main risks are can I get pizza or pakora on the way?

Where do you live? Certainly not London

I know, I was wondering this. Twice this very evening I have crossed the road to avoid people whose body language made me suspicious. I was probably being over-cautious, but since I was randomly and violently attacked about ten years ago I am super-aware of who’s around me when I’m out at night. Within seconds of seeing someone up ahead, I’ve worked out their gender, their build, their speed and gait, whether they are walking towards or away from me, whether they’re on the phone, whether they have noticed me, and what will be around us when our paths cross. Sometimes I cross the road, sometimes I get my keys out ready. Just second nature.

Ok Jason Bourne
Funny to you that a person has been attacked because he’s a man? Wow

posted on 16/3/21

Everybody should feel safe on our streets, be it men or women, but some ridiculous suggestions have come up recently like a 6pm curfew for men.

posted on 16/3/21

comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum are not mine but a fictionalised version loosely based on someone similar to me (U14864)
posted 33 minutes ago
comment by Clockwork Red (U4892)
posted 6 hours, 8 minutes ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 2 hours, 56 minutes ago
comment by super phoenix rangers - comments on this forum are not mine but a fictionalised version loosely based on someone similar to me (U14864)
posted 13 minutes ago
Women live in a world where if they are walking home from a night out / late shift etc they actively have to think about how to reduce the risk of sexual assault or murder.

I live in a world when walking home my main risks are can I get pizza or pakora on the way?

Where do you live? Certainly not London

I know, I was wondering this. Twice this very evening I have crossed the road to avoid people whose body language made me suspicious. I was probably being over-cautious, but since I was randomly and violently attacked about ten years ago I am super-aware of who’s around me when I’m out at night. Within seconds of seeing someone up ahead, I’ve worked out their gender, their build, their speed and gait, whether they are walking towards or away from me, whether they’re on the phone, whether they have noticed me, and what will be around us when our paths cross. Sometimes I cross the road, sometimes I get my keys out ready. Just second nature.

Ok Jason Bourne

posted on 16/3/21

Yep, that’s what we should care about. Everyone should feel safe. Unfortunately just a pipe dream atm and I’m not sure what the suggestion is

posted on 16/3/21

Its true, i can't see this utopia of where everyone feels safe happening, it's impossible with the toxic society we currently live in which starts right from the top all the way down.

posted on 16/3/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/3/21

Just to note, I don’t need to be told to respect girls and women

Always have, always will

Cvnts who are going to do it, sadly, are going to do it, catchy slogans etc won’t change the mindset of an abuser or potential rapist

all we can do, is look after our own the best we can and keep an eye out for others when we are out and about

posted on 16/3/21

One comment on social media I see is "educate your son" which I don't really understand because how do you educate most men who are not going to attack women, but then also how do you educate somebody who does have that mindset and is clearly fcked up?

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