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posted on 14/3/24

Clearly instantly regretted it? Is there a longer cut somewhere? Cos in the video in the OP he's just laughing.

And I'm not saying there should be a stand-up public apology, just instead of making her read this weird bit about family and give a vague reference to what Carragher said, how about him opening the segment with, I made a joke that was in bad taste and I'm sorry, we're all good right? And she agrees. Wouldn't have to be formal and weird but wouldn't make it seem like it's up to her to make a statement forgiving him when we've not seen an apology

posted on 14/3/24

comment by Clever - son son son - 'Ten Haaaagendas please' of the year Runner Up 2021 (U18599)
posted 11 hours, 50 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 3 hours, 39 minutes ago
That famous scouse wit.
Meanwhile Pidier is the best Manc wit has to offer nowadays.
Little Annie straight to spittys defence.
Cleverson proving his username is a misnomer

posted on 14/3/24

Hilarious how upset people got over this, perpetually offended

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 14/3/24

comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
Hilarious how upset people got over this, perpetually offended

It was a crap joke in poor taste. Not great suggesting anyone cheats on their partner on live TV.

It stinks of someone trying too hard to impress and hitting the mark massively. A bit embarrassing for Carra, but she didn't seem too bothered. Hopefully for Carra her partner took it in good spirit too...

posted on 15/3/24

comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 1 day, 23 hours ago
comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 35 minutes ago
Can't believe I'm sticking up for Carragher but Jesus Christ I hate this country right now. Everyone is so bleeding soft and offended by everything. It was a joke that didn't quite land.

Him spitting at a fan, missing and hitting his kid in the back of the car is far far far worse than this nonsense.

Wtf are you on about, "right now"? I grew up in 1970s England, and really I can't imagine a pundit back then making such a rude remark insinuating a married coworker's infidelity on live primetime tv to an audience of millions.
Even I thought Carra was out of order

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