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We Have been Sussed!

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posted on 15/4/24

comment by BISS Bash BOSSED (U8366)
posted 1 day ago
One of the main concerns I have about the tactics is that yes we are completely open, everyone knows that. But even more worryingly is our inability to breakdown low blocks. Thinking back to even the redknapp and poch eras, we’ve usually struggled against low blocks, but here it is even more glaring and easier to counter.

Having our fullbacks as attacking mids actually is a negative on 2 parts - 1 is of course we are exposed on counter and 2 they further congest an already congested attacking third. Its literally impossible for the attack to do anything other than pass around from wing to wing, only for werner to run into a dead end. Painful to watch

If Werner had taken one of his early chances then the low block becomes something different.

It is difficult to break these down but we still do create chances. We lack the clinical finishing of a proper striker.

For me i see our recent result as a combination of the following.

1. Some players are off form. Biss, Maddison, Son were on fire in the start, and now we are getting less from them. Sun has played a lot but Biss has no excuses. He's gone from dominating to failing to fulfil ay defensive or creative role. ( I thought PEH deserved to start ahead of him vs NUFC).

2. We have been sussed to a degree BUT for me there is a lack of energy in out high press. Newcastle hounded our players in possession while we let them play, giving them time to hit the easy balls into space. I have no real problem with the space that's there but if we are going to allow teams to play then that space becomes an issue.

2 of their goals came from us losing possession on the edge of their area.

This energy issue points to a decent lack of depth. Players like Maddison & Son look jaded for whatever reason.

3. We lack a proper striker. There was debate about Son wide & Richy central (or vice versa) in the early season, but for me its obvious that Son cannot hold up the ball, we have no option to put aerial balls into the box, and when we face low blocks so frequently, we totally needs these attributes to retain the ball and create chances. Currently it is all too intricate and we are being crowded out and then countered time and time again.

If its Son on the end of those Werner chances its at least 1 goal. He can still be very effective from wide, and we need a mobile, physical finisher at 9. Better than Richy who would still be a valuable squad backup.

4. more depth needed at LB and CM. In fact I would have a striker and a CM for the starting XI as a priority for the summer, then back up LB & CB.

I have not lost faith in Ange but my belief is being tested a tiny amount because we have seen this sort of performance quite a bit in the 2nd half of the season

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