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posted on 11/5/24

comment by Striketeam7 - There used to be a football club over there (U18109)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Admiral Ozil is my new favourite Star Wars character (U10178)
posted 46 seconds ago
comment by Striketeam7 - There used to be a football club over there (U18109)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Admiral Ozil is my new favourite Star Wars character (U10178)
posted 4 minutes ago
He's got us competing again with a team that's going to be around for years. As long as the board continue to back him we are in a great position and if we don't win the league this year I reckon there's a very good chance we win it next year or maybe the year after. If rivals are trying to mug you off you know they are worried, its when they don't talk about you then you know there is a problem.

The longer you go without winning it the harder it will get. That sense that you’ve given everything and can’t improve will creep in and then you start drifting downwards.

I am 100% convinced that’s what will happen with this Arsenal side.
With respect that's what happened to Tottenham not Arsenal. How many days was it that you didn't buy a player when you were in a good position to push on? The difference here is that Arsenal have owners who now invest and its clear where the improvements are required.
Spending money doesn’t mean you will improve though. If anything it just helps you stand still in this league.

The biggest thing that will help Arsenal win it is if Pep leaves, otherwise it will be second place until a new challenger emerges or when inevitable drift happens.

Your in the middle of it so can’t see the wood for the trees - but in time it will become clearer

Spending doesn't guarantee improvement but not spending does guarantee mediocrity which obviously happened when Tottenham had a decent team. Personally I hope Guardiola stays for another couple of years we know where the standard is and what will be required to get to the top to beat them. Take them out of the equation and we would won the league at a canter two years in a row that can lead to complacency. We are a better team for the competition they provide.

posted on 11/5/24

Expecting City to close in on our GD today

posted on 11/5/24

comment by Striketeam7 - There used to be a football club over there (U18109)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 6 minutes ago
Kiwior, who was taken off at half time? Kiwior was the "trying to be smart". Playing your first choice LB at LB , who had started the 2 previous league games, isn't trying to be smart. Playing a CB there is.

He had been playing Kiwior there, then Zinchenko came in against Luton and Brighton. He then wisely reinstated Kiwior before schitting the bed against Villa and bringing Zinchenko back.

Zinchenko hasn’t started again since the Villa debacle. Like I said, Arteta schitt the bed that day and it probably cost you the title
Zinchenko is a facking awful player. Worst left back in the league defensively, might as not even bother trying to defend

posted on 11/5/24

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 17 minutes ago
Zinchenko has started 20 times and missed 6 with injury in which time a CB was played out of position to cover Zinchenko and Tomiyasu, who was also unavailable.
When Zinchenko was fit he came in and played 3 league games in a row. Villa was the third. Hardly "chucked in" is it?
He wasn’t ready and it has likely made you lot the bridesmaids again

posted on 11/5/24

Literally played 225 minutes in the 3 games before that.

posted on 11/5/24

He also had played 2 internationals before the Villa game since his injury.
The defeat to Villa was not on one player, and in the first half we were the better team. It was more the mental and physical tiredness shown by others than Zinchenko playing.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 11/5/24

strike team is one of the dumbest people on here.

posted on 11/5/24

comment by razorelectric (U19296)
posted 5 hours, 55 minutes ago
comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 5 hours, 49 minutes ago
Everybody's season depends on their rivals losing. Are you high?
You can't get it, can you. The fate is not in Arsenal's hand.
You're not the brightest are you? By even making this article you're really thinking Arteta can't possibly enjoy the thought of his team winning a title that they could win??... smh 😂🤦‍♂️

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