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posted on 4/3/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/3/14


posted on 4/3/14


posted on 4/3/14


posted on 4/3/14

Bloody Scoins

posted on 4/3/14

Classic Scoins

posted on 4/3/14

Change the PeepShowQOTD pic and header thing

posted on 4/3/14


posted on 4/3/14

Well done

posted on 4/3/14

Jeremy hitting on Sarah. Nothing particularly standing out. Might just go for Mark bringing up his chlamydia.

posted on 4/3/14

(Why do the people who want to talk about things always win? Why can't the people who don't want to talk about things win?)

Literally the next line

posted on 4/3/14

"They're just not comfortable talking about emotions."
"I think it's different when you're a musician."

(He's doing his routine on my sister!)
"Mark's not too musical. He bought a clarinet but he uses it to hit a cymbal."

posted on 4/3/14

Then Mark. Then

"It was a visa marriage, it's symptomless and it's a platonic love as you might have for a dog or a sandwich."

posted on 4/3/14

Make sure you get Jeremy's gesture for

"Promise me you will not try to sleep with her."
"I promise I will try not to sleep with her."

when you've done that one do "So, you slept with her." quickly afterwards

posted on 4/3/14

comment by Coati (U4416)
posted 16 minutes ago
(Why do the people who want to talk about things always win? Why can't the people who don't want to talk about things win?)

Expecting that one to do quite well

posted on 4/3/14


posted on 4/3/14

Chit. Could go for

(The people who want to talk about things always win. Why can't the people who don't want to talk about things win?)

posted on 4/3/14

What a sordid situation.

posted on 4/3/14

Solid tweeting so far

posted on 4/3/14


posted on 4/3/14

Nice one.

posted on 4/3/14

Kent trending on twitter

posted on 4/3/14

Met a new client at work today. Reached out to shake hands. Next thing you know I'm gripping some weird bony half hand with about 2 1/2 fingers.

Thought I worked my way through it well but he done me no flavours by playing with his pen in stern 1 1/2 of those fingers.

Don't think I've ever stared so intently into a mans eyes before

posted on 4/3/14

What an experience

comment by deBear (U8633)

posted on 4/3/14


The guy wasn't from Ayrshire was he?

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