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Ben Arfa

How much was this amazing player? I hear it might have been 2mil? If so what a bloody effing bargain. I love him #nohomo and think he could become world class. He is just so good ahhh. Great player IMO. Your scouting staff have done wonders this+last season.

If we don't get 4th, make sure you bloody do!

comment by Cheick! (U3905)

posted on 10/4/12

Plus I thought we paid 2mil to get him on a year loan, then 5mil to keep him?

posted on 10/4/12

£20m is just enough to buy Sebastien Squillaci and shore up your defence

posted on 10/4/12


comment by Cheick! (U3905)

posted on 10/4/12

Hmm.. its a good offer I'll tell you that.

posted on 10/4/12

It's £5-5.5m. We do not pay add ons on any of our transfers.

posted on 10/4/12

Ben Arfa should come to Arsenal

comment by CSTP (U1453)

posted on 11/4/12

You should take Malouda off us while you're at it


You could have a trio of explosive French attacking players behind a CF

Obertan Hatem Malouda

One can only dream

posted on 11/4/12


comment by elBarto (U9792)

posted on 12/4/12

whats the point of benarfa going to arsenal when he wouldnt get a start with competition provided by the genius theo the mesmerising gervinho and the overweight benayoun?

posted on 12/4/12

Yea better off he goes to United, that way the headless Ashley Young won't take up a spot in their squad anymore.

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